Friday, December 27, 2019

Bullying Is Not For At Bully One - 1627 Words

Bullying is not called for at all.Kids bully one another to feel like they’re above one another.Bullying needs to be a law.The state and local lawmakers are being a law protect children and prevent bullying.Through the state’s code, there are many states that address bullying a different way. Bullying is in multiple laws,including the criminal code of the state that may only be applied to the juveniles.Out of 50 states there are only 34 states that has bullying set for a law.The states that doesn’t require bullying as a law is Alabama, Connecticut, Indiana, Hawaii, Michigan, and other states. There aren’t any federal laws that is addressing to bullying because bullying overlaps discrimination harassment which is based off of so many†¦show more content†¦This could be the only thing,to realize what they ve done. Bullying often isn’t taken seriously enough. It is very important not to allow things like this to happen in school.So, why havenâ €™t this been stopped? There are approximately 160,000 kids who decides to miss school because of their fear of being attacked by another class mates.For there to be so many kids who aren’t attending school why hasn’t there been a change.They can atleast be worried especially if it’s a continuous situation.There are 56% of the kids who has witnessed bullying and hasn’t said anything.Many kids today who will literally take out their phones and instead of stopping the chaos they decide to record it and put it on internet.why?Because they want to be cool, they don’t want to have nothing to do with it but if it was vise versa and if it was them,they would’ve want someone to stop and help them. Kids who watched bullies take action also need to be punished to because maybe,just maybe if they would have decided to make the right decision and stopped the bully;the kid probably wouldn’t have been,skipping school,or trying to commit suicide . The fact that bullies enjoy harassing other students and not knowing nor care about what’s really going on in their life and how their taking it.Nobody hasn’t said nothing to these kids about their actions so it makes them feel as if their stronger and more power;they can do

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Influence Of A Mother On A Child s Well Being And...

Much research has been done on the influence of a mother on a child’s well-being and development (Pougnet, Serbin, Stack, Schwartzman, 2011). However, research has shown that an engaged and loving father can contribute greatly to a child’s cognitive, social, and psychological development (Bronte-Tinkew, Carrano, Horowitz, Kinukawa, 2008; Duursma, Pan, Raikes, 2008; Pancsofar Vernon-Feagans, 2010; Wilson Prior, 2010). However, not just the mere presence of a father is enough to make a difference in a child’s development. Research has shown that a child’s development is affected by both the quantity and quality of father involvement (Wilson Prior, 2010). Being an involved father means not only investing economic resources into a child, but also time. Wilson and Prior (2010) found that high levels of father involvement was associated with significant and highly desirable children’s developmental outcomes. Similarly, Bronte-Tinkew, Carrano, Horowitz, and Kinukawa (2008) used data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study–Birth Cohort to investigate whether or not a fathers involvement would play role in infant cognitive outcomes. They found that high father involvement reduces the likelihood of infant cognitive delay. Further they found that this was especially true for male infants and infants with disabilities. Lastly, Vogel, Bradley, Raikes, Boller, and Shears (2006) conducted a study to explore whether or not a fathers presence in their children’sShow MoreRelatedFamily Structure, Father Involvement936 Words   |  4 PagesWith so much emphasis on the mother being in charge of the house and the kids, you would think mother involvement is enough for a child’s healthy development and good adolescent Behavioral Outcomes (if all the rest goes well/ â€Å"normal†). In the following two articles we will see if father involvement has any outcomes: 1.†A father s love is one of the greatest influences on personality development†, which was published in Science Daily newspaper and 2. â€Å"Family Structure, Father Involvement† publishedRead MoreFather s Role As A Child s Development1478 Words   |  6 Pagesfather s role as being very important to a child s development and brings out positive benefits when they’re actively involved. A father who is i nvolved ensures a sufficient amount of cognitive ability, supports the child s educational achievements and awareness of overall health and social behavior. Fathers are more than just the second adult in the home. When involved fathers, biological or not, they bring positive benefits to a child that no other person is likely to bring. A child withoutRead MoreFactors that Promote Rapid Language Learning in Children?1406 Words   |  6 Pagesthe exclusive characteristics of human beings and is known as the jewel in the crown of cognition (Pinker, 1994). It is well known that other species on earth have communication system also, but differ substantially in their qualities from human communication. Several attempts have been made to teach apes to speak (Allen Gardner, 1969; Savage-Rumbaugh, Sevcik, Hopkins, 1988), but language acquisition is a mystery of human beings, it starts before a child is born (DeCasper Spence, 1986). UntilRead MoreThe Theory Of The Human Development993 Word s   |  4 Pagespsychological theories (ecological, behavioral, humanistic, psychoanalytic), which one(s) is/are most closely aligned with your personal belief system? All four major Psychological theories are very significant, but based on my reading about all of them, I can convey that the ecological theory is the most closely aligned with my personal belief system. Part 2: Why? I chose this theory because it states that a person’s development is influenced by everything in the surrounding environment, such as: familyRead MoreRole of Women in Creating Communal Harmony and National Integration1515 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL†. The human being is a social animal and in order to increase the probability of survival the humans form groups. This is how great civilizations are being formed and the survival of the human race continues. But the groups whether small, medium or large are not free from conflicts and tensions both internal as well as external. These conflicts have a positive connotation along with a negative connotation of risking the existence of the group or society under considerationRead MoreEssay about Lifespan Development and Eriksons Stages of Development1644 Words   |  7 PagesLifespan development is essential, as it is the changes that happen to us throughout a person’s lifespan. Our dev elopment occurs at ages stages where we develop from infancy till death. This essay will contain my life story to display the domains in 5 age stages in my lifespan development. The domains I will be exploring is in this essay is physical, emotional, cognitive, social, cultural and moral domain. The influence of biological and environmental play a significant role in my development. DevelopmentRead MoreThe Age Of Mothers And Children925 Words   |  4 Pagesthey were in their teens. In the 1920’s women were married as early as twelve to thirteen and expected to fulfill their role in life by producing children and running a household. Since the 1970’s the average age of mothers giving birth to their first child increased from twenty-one to twenty-six years of age (Mathews Hamilton, 2016). In the past, the age of the mother and her situation in life influenced the educational opportunities available to her child. In contrast, society today does not expectRead MoreHuman Brain Development1231 Words   |  5 PagesChildren begin learning before they are even born. Some people may wonder how this is possible if the child hasn’t even taken its first breath yet, but it is true. Brain development begins in week four of their first trimester in the womb. This is important because the development helps a child learn and grow, effecting their future learning, education, and social skills. Brain development begins right in the womb and continues to flourish after birth. A child’s brain develops through neurons andRead MorePositive And Negative Influences Of Working And Stay At Home Mothers On Children1409 Words   |  6 PagesPositive and Negative Influences of Working and Stay-At-Home Mothers on Children Are children better off if mothers stay at home to take care of them? Recently, whether mother should stay home taking care of children or work as normal have been argued a lot, Some mothers may rather choose stay at home and take the traditional homemaker role. Others may prefer to work outside home to meet her full personal potential. There can be both positive and negative effects of working mothers on their childrenRead MoreThe Importance Of Resilience For Childrens Wellbeing And Development1627 Words   |  7 Pages2013; Hammond Feinstein, 2006). In light of this evidence, it is important for EYFS settings to build resilience in young children. The EYFS recognises the importance of resilience in aiding children’s wellbeing and development be regarding every child is a ‘unique child’, and a child who is continually learning and is able to be ‘resilient, capable, confident and self-assured’ (Department of Education, 2014, p. 6). In addition to building resilience within an EYFS setting, there is evidence to

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Reason For Selection Of Nike Brand Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Reason For Selection Of Nike Brand. Answer: I have chosen Nike, a global brand in manufacturing sports shoe for company selection. The four reasons for it are as follows: The first reason for selection is the unique brand personality of the company. It is global leader in making performance apparel and shoes and the company has great appeal among worlds leading athletes. Considering the huge target market that Nike has covered, it would be interesting to study the strategies they took to build their brand. The evidence by Aaker, (2015) suggests that brand personality like Nike can enhance brand loyalty and brand-customer relationship. Another positive business attributes of Nike is that it has also focused on innovation and development of their products. The evidence by Childs Jin, (2018) suggest that instead of basking on the glory of their high rated products, they have focused a lot on research and development to constantly evolve and provide innovative product range to consumers. Product quality and innovation is the main reason for Nike to dominate the sportswear market. The third reason for selecting Nike is the success of the company in its marketing activities. It has a distinctive brand image and advertising slogans that attracts target audience and the marketing strategy is also centered around brand image (Childs Jin, 2018). Hence, studying Nikes marketing mix would be interesting to learn about ways to promote product in market. The company is going to dominate the sportswear range for a long time because it has gone international and started stores in China and Latin America. Establishing stores in untapped market after analyzing demand for athletic apparel is likely to provide great business opportunities to the company (Childs Jin, 2018). The study by Childs Jin, (2018) is the evidence that clearly presents the innovative journey and evolution of Nike as a global leader in athletic wear. Reference: Aaker, D. (2015). Brand personalities are like snowflakes.Marketing News,49, available at: Childs, M., Jin, B. (2018). Nike: An Innovation Journey. InProduct Innovation in the Global Fashion Industry(pp. 79-111). Palgrave Pivot, New York

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Interaction in Cultures and Civilizations

Introduction The globalization and decentralization of territories resulted in interactions between different societies in the world. Some of the major interactions recorded in history include the first and the second world wars, the cold war, the colonization of countries and the fight for independence among others.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Consequences of Interaction in Cultures and Civilizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These interactions are often characterized by exchanges in cultures and civilizations among the parties that interact. This paper seeks to discuss some of the exchanges that took place during some interactions. The paper will look at the consequences of these interactions. The conquest of Aztecs Aztecs were natives of the current Mexico. With its capital in Tenochtitlan, the Aztec was a well established empire that had conquered territories. The interaction between the Aztec and the Spaniards began as a missionary activity by the Spaniards to convert the Aztecs into Christianity. The Christian mission however did not bear much fruit due to language barrier. The Spaniards would shout to the Aztecs in the name of preaching, inconsiderate of the fact that the Aztecs never understood the Spanish language. Failure to repent on their knees led to the murder or slavery of the Aztecs (Tangen 1). The turn of events however started with the arrival of Hernando Cortes who established a Spanish colony in Mexico. Cortes challenged the Aztec empire in the year 1519 and seized the Aztec leader, Montezuma (Library 1). The Aztecs revolted against Cortes and defeated Cortes and his troops, an event that led to loss of many lives and valuable commodities following the collapse of a bridge as the rivals passed. Cortes however survived the incident, reorganized a troop and attacked Aztec again. He conquered the territory this time round and â€Å"destroyed the city† before building another one at the very same location (Tangen 1). The effects of the war included the loss of sovereignty of the Aztecs as the second attack by Cortes led to the defeat of the natives. The first war also led to loss of lives of both Aztecs and Spaniards as pass Way Bridge collapsed with people on it. The collapse of the bridge also caused loss of treasure of the Aztecs. The arrival of the Spaniards also brought with it diseases to the natives. The diseases like â€Å"small pox and measles† which were introduced by the arrival of the Spaniards killed about seventy five percent of the Aztecs. The war also led to the destruction of the Aztec city. The natives however acquired new species of domestic animals like â€Å"horse, sheep, cattle and pig†. The Spaniards also brought sugar together with consumable crops which they introduced to the natives. The Spaniards on the other hand acquired the territory (Tangen 1).Advertising Looking for essay on histo ry? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Missionaries (Religion) Missionary work is another aspect of the world history that left its effects felt by the receiving societies. Most of the areas visited by early missionaries still feel the impacts of the activities and the initiatives of the missionaries. Oregon country is one of the societies that experienced missionary work that started in the early periods of the nineteenth century. The missionary work was then followed by a range of immigration into the land. One of the impacts of the missionaries in Oregon was the successful establishment of white settlement in the territory. It is recorded that though the missionaries failed in their core duty of converting the natives, they managed the task of settlement. The long term effect of the settlement would be the loss of land by the natives to the settlers. Another impact of the mission was the establishment of schools in the Indian Terri tory. As was the custom of the missionary establishments, schools were built to help the natives learn how to read and write as well as to entice them into the faith (History 1). Another effect of the Oregon mission was the transmission of diseases from the visitors to the natives. The diseases had an adverse effect on the Indians and claimed a lot of lives. It is recorded that in the first year of the first established mission school, fifty percent of the registered students died of the infections and the rest fled, probably after falling ill or after being scared by the infections. A large number of the natives in the area died of the diseases brought by the visitors. The failed mission to convert the Indians led to the call for traders and farmers to come to Oregon to help in spearheading the work of the missionaries. The group came and was further followed by a massive immigration into Oregon. Another impact of the missionary work was the later establishment of a formal governme nt and towns in the country. After the missioners’ call for back up, the vast immigration followed and later led to the establishment governance. It was also the missionary work that led to the colonization of Oregon. In seeking protection for the American settlers, the lead missionary whose name was Lee changed from being a missioner to colonizing the land (History 1). Conclusion Exchange between cultures and civilization occurs when different societies come into contact. The societies more often interact in one way or another and a number of things are acquired by the different societies. The interactions always have impacts on either or both of the parties. The case of the interaction between the Spaniards and the Aztecs saw both negative and positive effects on both parties. The Oregon mission also benefited the missionaries in acquiring land for their people but also established schools that later benefited the natives.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Consequences of Interaction in Cultures and Civilizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Works Cited History. Jason Lee’s Mission to Oregon. Historic Oregon City, n.d. Web. Library. Aztecs: Conquest. Library Think Quest, n.d. Web. Tangen, Turid. The conquest of the Aztecs. Web Chron, 1997. Web. This essay on The Consequences of Interaction in Cultures and Civilizations was written and submitted by user Kylie Trujillo to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Middlefield Hospital Essay Example

Middlefield Hospital Essay Middlefield Hospital is a 450 bed tertiary care facility in a major urban area in the Northeast. The hospital is an integrated health system that provides the fill array of inpatient and outpatient services. The Hospital has a reputation for quality care in the area. Problem: The Hospital’s turnover rate exceeds 20% and there are over 100 nursing vacancies. Factors that may contribute to the turnover is that a new hospital has recently opened in our market area that has produced competition for Middlefield, employee morale has deteriorated over the past 12 months, and Essex University is considering eliminating its nursing degree program because of the difficulty recruiting quality instructors. Strategy: In order for Middlefield to strive and serve our patients with quality care and motivate our staff to stay employed with us long-term, we must change our operational strategy. First and foremost, we must invest in our employees. We have to offer our employees incentives and motivate them to stay and grow within our organization. Next, we must improve our community relations and form an alliance with Essex University to ensure the pipeline of new recruits continues to come through our doors for careers in nursing and other healthcare fields. And last but not least, we need to develop a triad of care, provide our patients with the best possible care at an affordable price. Recommendation: We will write a custom essay sample on Middlefield Hospital specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Middlefield Hospital specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Middlefield Hospital specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer As the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Middlefield Hospital, I have the following suggestions that I hope will improve our organization and better accommodate our patients’ needs and employee satisfaction. (1) Invest in technology and equipment that will make the experience more productive and cost effective. (2) Expand our services to include preventive counseling and education. (3) Possibly become a teaching hospital for new nurses, doctors, and allied personnel, while providing quality affordable care for our patients. (4) Provide opportunities for our staff to teach at Essex University (5) Reduce the 20% turnover rate and reduce the nursing vacancy rate by offering recruiting incentives and retention bonuses, and continuing education. Middlefield Hospital is in an urban area where patients should have access to the best quality healthcare possible. Middlefield needs to offer their patients a triad of care, which includes access, cost and quality of care. There are many factors why a patient may not be able to access care, such as lack of health insurance or financial resources, therefore Middlefield needs to ensure the population that we are affordable and the patient will receive the best possible care regardless of their financial situation. Cost refers to the total expenditures related directly and indirectly to the provision of healthcare. It is imperative that the hospital manages these costs as effectively and efficiently as possible so that these costs do not reflect to our patients and their care. Quality of care can be conceptualized by two measures, process and outcome. Process measures look at the specific components of providing care and assesses whether these concepts are effective in achieving the desired outcomes, i. e. , did the patient receive the appropriate care for the diagnosis in the ER? Outcome measures evaluate the end result of care and assess whether treatment has produced the desired outcomes, i. e. , did the patient have a heart attack after entering the emergency room or was the heart attack avoided? This leads me to Preventative and Curative Approach to healthcare. The Curative approach refers to a system of care that is based upon treating illness or alleviating symptoms. People fall sick unexpectedly; they can be fine one moment and have the flu the next moment. In a situation like this the curative approach to health is appropriate. However, the Preventative approach, which is preventing illness rather than curing it, is more productive. The hospital can save a lot of money if they do not have to run extensive tests and procedures for diabetes and heart disease and other diseases that could have been stabilized if the patient used proper care. An effective strategy would be to offer classes on diet and exercise and other preventive measures such as smoking cessation programs just to name a few. Employee motivation-Recruiting Qualified health care professionals employed by Middlefield hospital should teach classes at Essex College and the clinical internship should be conducted at Middlefield hospital. That way Middlefield will know that new recruits will already know the proper procedure and will be qualified to work at the hospital upon graduation. This solution will benefit both parties because Middlefield can look forward to qualified new recruits and Essex has qualified teachers with real life experience for their healthcare programs. Employee Motivation- Retention Ways that Middlefield Hospital can motivate employees is to offer intrinsic and extrinsic rewards and offer them an opportunity to climb the corporate ladder. Extrinsic rewards are mostly financial and tangible, such as, wages, raises, bonuses, and benefits. Employees need to feel assured that they are offered a competitive salary and they will be able to take care of their obligations. Although extrinsic rewards a short term remedy to the problem it is still important and needs to be addressed. Intrinsic rewards on the other hand are more effective for employee retention and include: * Sense of meaningfulness, a sense of purpose * Sense of choice- use your judgment and feel responsible * Sense of competence- qualified * Progress- feeling of accomplishing something. An employee can offer intrinsic rewards by promoting the employee to a higher position where they are in charge of a department or project and acknowledging their accomplishments by offering incentives, such as extrinsic rewards. An employee is more likely to stay with a company long-term if they feel appreciated and have a sense of meaningfulness. Our employees are our most valuable asset and we have to make them â€Å"feel at home. † Middlefield Hospital should encourage our employees to climb the corporate ladder. Middlefield should offer continuing education and promotions within the company to motivate our employees to stay. Many people chose to look for work elsewhere or go back to school to change their careers because they are not making enough money and/or they are bored. At Middlefield Hospital, we encourage all of our employees to always strive for more, no matter what their position might be. Education and/or finances should not deter any of our employees from going to the next level. Let’s say for example, Maria was hired to work in environmental and clean the hospital earning $9. 50 /hr, if Maria chooses she should be able to take a course which is provided by the hospital so that she can earn her certified nurse’s assistant license (CNA), making $12. 50/hr. Maria doesn’t have to stop there; she can continue taking advantage of the classes and opportunities offered by Middlefield until she becomes a Registered nurse (RN) making $30/hr. Middlefield should offer their employees endless possibilities. Conclusion There are endless possibilities for Middlefield hospital to offer the best quality care for their patients and motivation for their employees. If the techniques suggested are applied, Middlefield hospital would see a vast improvement in their operation and employee retention.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Hstory of Rp Msic essays

Hstory of Rp Msic essays Course Section: The History of Rap Music Specific purpose: To inform my audience on the history of rap music. Thesis: Hip Hop has become like WWF Wrestling. Central idea: I want my audience to know and understand the roots of rap music I. Hip Hop has become like WWF Wrestling. There are few artists who can hold an audience's attention for more than one hit record. There are even fewer who have the ability in this day and age to release an album that can be listened to and enjoyed in it's entirety. It's a small miracle in the year 2002 that an artist has a catalogue of music that can be looked upon as a complete body of work. II. Rap music wasnt even considered a category at the Grammys until the late 80s. It is surprising to me because rap is a form of music and it took so long to be recognized in mainstream. A. Its not a mystery, its history, and heres how it goes. 1. Two years ago, a friend of mine, asked me to say some MC rhymes and since then Run DMC has never looked back. The rap superstars have done it all and then some ever since they took the U.S. music scene by storm with Its Like That and Sucker MCs in the early 80s. 2. These guys weren't the first rap group to exist, but as Frank Owen said in New York Newsday, ``they were the first rap group that really mattered''. Guys like Grandmaster Flash did a bit of the ground work, but Run DMC were almost solely responsible for bringing rap music to the masses to enjoy the popularity that it does today. B. Some of the Run DMCs history-making achievements which changed the face of rap and popular music 1. Joseph Simmons (Run), Darryl McDaniels (DMC) and Jason Mizell (Jam Master Jay) all grew up in Hollis, Queens, and have been friends since childhood, entering college together in 1982. Run's older brother Russell, who was already an established manager in the rap world, too on the band and managed them thro...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Multiple Correlation and Regression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Multiple Correlation and Regression - Essay Example There are two variables in research: the independent and the dependent variables. If a change is one variable does not cause a subsequent change in the other, then the first is an independent variable. In the event that one causes a change in the other then the former is a dependent variable (Creswell, 2003). In this study the independent variable was psychological problems while the dependent variable was normal development. Measuring variables is very important so that it can be understood how the different variables affect each other. There are complex methods that may be used in measuring methods but all these depend on the research design adopted (Kothari, 2006). In this study, the variables were put into categories where they were measured against each other. For example the children were put into categories that match the various variables that were being surveyed. Depending on the criteria of selection each student was either categorized as falling in a family experiencing domestic violence or not. Experimental designs have true scientific designs that require the presence of a hypothesis, two groups: the control group and the treatment group and a larger sample size in order to avoid accidental differences from affecting the study. A quasi experiment on the other hand is not a true experiment and may involve some of the above factors but not at all times (Goddard & Melville, 2007). The study was not a true experiment and thus followed the quasi experimental design. The research instruments that were used in the study included surveys. These were conducted by selecting an appropriate sample size that was representative of the whole population. Appropriate methods of sampling were used and this increased the validity of the study as it was representative of the whole population. The survey instruments were reliable because they were designed in such a way that errors were minimized and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

International Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International Management - Essay Example The firm needs to be restructured to keep up with its international growth and a plan needs to be developed to change the organization to fit its new multinational status. Tossavainen (2005, pg. 1) claims that, "the utilization of an enterprise resource planning system in an multinational enterprise can be explained by the following elements: 1) organizational awareness, 2) imperfect autonomy, 3) change orientation, 4) transformation triggers, 5) Enterprise Resource Planning system impact, and 6) successful performance. The implementing organization defines ERP, it must reflect the MNE strategies and management. Therefore, new organizational capabilities are required for the implementing organization to achieve the promised benefits associated with the ERP." In order to implement effective solutions, careful organization and planning must be followed. A model needs to be developed that can be followed carefully. An ERP must be enabled for long-term use. In order to accomplish this, one way is to implement it through "initial implementation, enhancements, deployment rollouts, support of the use, and upgrades" (Tossavainen, 2005, pg. 1). It is also suggested that organizational mechanisms are updated. Multinational enterprises are fascinating to research due to their state of constant change. The information systems that are used in multinational enterprises make it difficult for uniformity across the board since the branches of the organization are located in many different locations. Fortunately, new information systems are now being developed that solve this problem, such as enterprise resource planning systems. They are designed to "integrate operational data with logistics business processes" (Tossavainen, 2005, pg. 1). Thanks to enterprise resource planning solutions, businesses can now operate comfortably on a global scale. What the Literature Says About the Subject Research is being prompted in this area due to the increasing complexity of multinational enterprise management. It is also being prompted because much enterprise resource planning research that is already in existence is ambiguous in nature and there is much failure in implementation of the systems. According to Tossavainen (2005, pg. 1), "A new permanent organization structure that integrates business and information technology (IT) domains is needed to accomplish variety of tasks related to the ERP system." How a Firm Gains a Status of Multinational Corporation According to Tossavainen (2005, pg. 1), "An MNE has several units across separate geographical locations with different degrees of freedom in their activities. Hence, an MNE is geographically, time-wise and environmentally (both externally and internally) diverse." Part II Introduction This scenario introduces the case of a company that sells underwear for men and women. The manager has decided to invest into a firm in Romania that will produce the product for the company. As such, he is sending a manager for the subsidiary, an accountant, and an engineer for the Romanian firm. A Plan for Organizational Change in a Multinational Enterprise The basic outline for the organizational plan change in this

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Phylum Porifera Essay Example for Free

Phylum Porifera Essay Which phyla lack organs? What type of symmetry do they have? Phylum Porifera which lacks any symmetry (asymmetry) and phylum Cnidaria which has radial symmetry. List all of the phyla that show cephalization. Phylum Annelida, Phylum Mollusca, Phylum Arthropoda, Phylum Platyhelminthes, Phylum Nematoda, and Phylum Chordata. Do all organisms on the table have 3 germ layers (endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm)? If not, which Phyla have fewer than three germ layers? Not all the organisms have three germ layers. The organisms with less than three germ layers belong to Phylum Porifera which has no true germ layers and phylum Cnidaria which has two germ layers (diploblastic). One phylum has more species than all the others. State the name of this phylum and provide several different examples of species found in this phylum. Phylum Arthropoda. Examples of species in this phylum include Brazilopelma colloratvillosum, Dermacentor variabilis, Limulus polyphemus, Colossendeis megalonyx, Branchinecta gigas, Pyromaia tuberculata, Asterocheres echinicola, Narceus americanus, Scaphiostreptus parilis, and Musca domestica. According to chapter 24, fish do not all have the same skeletal structure. Describe the differences among fish from the most primitive to more advanced types. Fishes greatly differ in their anatomical features especially their skeletal structures. The most primitive group of fishes based on skeletal structure is known as class Agnatha and the fishes in this class are referred to as â€Å"the jawless fishes†.   These have a cartilaginous internal skeleton which means that they have no true bones (Layman, 2003). They also lack true teeth, true jaws, and true vertebrae (Layman, 2003). The other group of fish is referred to as the cartilaginous fishes and they belong to a class of fishes known as Chondrichthyes. Their skeleton is made up of cartilage. Unlike the jawless fishes, fishes in this group have jaws and true teeth which are bony as is seen with sharks (Layman, 2003). The final group of fish is known as the bony fishes and fishes in this group belong to a class known as Osteichthyes. These fish are very advanced and unlike the other two groups, fishes in this group have a skeletal structure that is made of true bones meaning that their skeletal structure is mineralized (Layman, 2003). They have a bony jaw, bony teeth, and bony vertebrae (Layman, 2003). Describe the three types of mammals based on how their young develop? One group of mammals is referred to as placental mammals. The young ones of mammals under this group develop for long inside their mothers. This prolonged development is facilitated by the presence of an allantoic placenta (Go Pets America, 2010). This placenta allows close contact between the vascular systems of both the mother and the growing embryos and this ensures that the embryos are adequately and continually nourished (Go Pets America, 2010). The placenta also allows for removal of waste products from the womb. In addition, the embryos are protected inside their mothers. For example the body temperatures of the mothers are usually constant and this protects the developing young ones from the harsh surroundings. These conditions provide a conducive environment which allows for development of the young ones to a very high degree. The other group of mammals is known as marsupial. The young ones of mammals under this category develop in the womb just like in placental mammals but their period of development is short. The reason for the short development period is due to presence of a yolk placenta whose ability to nourish the fetus is limited (Vaughan Ryan, 2010). After birth, the undeveloped young ones continue their development inside their mothers’ pouches where they cling to the mothers’ nipples with their mouths (Vaughan Ryan, 2010). The young ones get fed on milk through the nipples. The final group of mammals is referred to as monotremes. Mammals in this group reproduce by laying eggs. With these mammals, two eggs are laid each time and the young ones grow inside the eggs for a short while before they are hatched (Vaughan Ryan, 2010). Inside the eggs, the young ones are nourished by use of egg yolk. The hatched young ones are always very immature at birth and they continue to develop by feeding on milk from their mothers. But unlike the other groups of mammals, these mammals lack teats and milk oozes from the mothers’ abdomens and the young ones feed by licking the oozing milk (Vaughan Ryan, 2010).

Friday, November 15, 2019

Adolescence in Romeo and Juliet

Adolescence in Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is a famous play written by Shakespeare during the Early Modern period with the tragic ending among two star-crossed lovers. The love story between Romeo and Juliet arise the sympathy from the audience. It is impossible for Romeo and Juliet to stay together due to the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets. Juliet is led to death because she is forced to get married to Paris who she does not love. She commits suicide with desperation under the patriarchal family. However, Marjorie Kolb Cox claimed that the tragedy and death of Romeo and Juliet are due to the effect of adolescence, Romeo and Juliet fall in love impulsively without consideration of consequences as well as the lack of parenthood during the adolescence. There are several scenes in the play describing the fight on the street in Verona. Romeo, Benvolio and Mercutio are three adolescents who are easy to be impulsive. The Montagues and the Capulets start to fight due to the provocation. After Mercutio died, Romeo kills Tybalt as the revenge. Adolescents advocate violence rather than peace to solve the conflict. It is an immature way to solve the conflict and argument by adolescents. Violence is an issue among adolescents. They ignore consequences, social rules and laws to fight in the public space (Cox, 1967). The consequence is both Mercutio and Tybalt died in the fighting. Romeo is banished from Verona because he disobeys the law. Characters in the play pay the price for their impulsive fighting. Their impulsive behaviours lead to more tragedies. Another feature for adolescents is love. Adolescents are curious about love and sex. Boys and girls are easily attracted to each other. Romeo and Juliet fall in love at first sight. Romeo forgets Rosaline immediately. Juliet is also a young girl at the age that expects love. They fall in love impulsively and get married secretly in a very short time, in which is hard to know each other well. Adolescents are at the age that wants to be independent and have the desire for the opposite sex. They want to be independent of their families and parents. They spend more times with peers than parents (Cox, 1967). The power of love among two young adolescents makes Juliet refuse the arranged marriage and commit suicide due to the immature love. Adolescents are rebellious, and they are less immature than adults. Therefore, parents play important roles to guide and protect their children. Both Romeo and Juliet are a lack of parenthood that has weak relationships with their parents. They do not get support and understandings from their families (Cox, 1967). When Romeo feels painful towards Rosaline, he would rather find his friends and Friar Laurence rather than his father. He asks for help from Friar Laurence to hold a wedding. Friar Laurence is more like Romeos father, and he understands Romeos emotions. Friar Laurence is a reliable person for Romeo when he feels desperate. Montague knows nothing about Juliet until the end of the play. There is a gap between Montague and Romeo. There are not too many scenes about Lady Capulet as well. Lady Capulet follows her husband to prepare the wedding for Juliet and Paris regardless of Juliets intentions. When Juliet shows her attitudes towards the marriage, Lady Capulet ignores Juliet and refuses to talk to her. Juliet would rather share her secrets with the Nurse rather than Lady Capulet. As Cox argued, Juliet is not close to her mother. Juliet does not feel the love from her mother when she is desperate. Lady Capulet is absent when Juliet needs her. She ignores Juliets emotions towards the marriage no matter how Juliet is begging. The unconcern from Lady Capulet and cold mother-daughter relationship leads the suicide. It is obvious that Romeo is closer to Friar Lawrence and Juliet is closer to the Nurse than their biological parents. Adolescents are sensitive, in which they need more concerns from their parents. Parents should protect their children falling into a wrong path. Montague and Capulet are regretful for R omeo and Juliet. If they could concern more about childrens emotions during the adolescence instead of feud and power, perhaps death would not happen. Marjorie Kolb Cox analysed Romeo and Juliet from a psychological aspect. Romeo and Juliet are at adolescence period. The audience is convinced why some impulsive behaviours occur, why there are many fighting scenes in the play and why Romeo and Juliet fall in love so quickly. The death of Romeo and Juliet, as well as other characters, is a consequence of the effect from adolescence. There is no careful consideration for adolescents, and they are not aware of the responsibility. Cox makes readers focus on reasons behind the tragedy instead of a love story. Bibliography Belsey, Catherine. Romeo and Juliet: language and writing. London: Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2014. Print. Clark, Glenn. The Civil Mutinies of Romeo and Juliet.English Literary Renaissance. vol. 41, no. 2, 2011, pp. 280-300.Wiley Online Library. Web. 30 Jan. 2017. Cox, Majorie Kolb. Adolescence Process in Romeo and Juliet. Psychoanalytic review. vol. 63. no.3, 1976, pp. 379-392. ProQuest. Web. 29 Jan. 2017. Fletcher, George. Studies of Shakespeare in the Plays of King John, Cymbeline, Macbeth, As you like it, Much ado about nothing, Romeo and Juliet: with Observations on the Criticism and the Acting of Those Plays. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1847. Archive. Web. 28 Jan. 2017. Jeffery, Chris. What Kinds of play is Romeo and Juliet?Shakespeare in Southern Africa. vol. 28, 2016, pp. 51-72.EBSCO host. Web.29 Jan. 2017. Hager, Alan. Understanding Romeo and Juliet: a student casebook to issues, sources, and historical documents. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999. Google Book. Web. 29 Jan. 2017. Halio, Jay L. Romeo and Juliet: a guide to the play. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1998. Print. Hartmann, Von. Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. (Book Review). The Journal of Speculative Philosophy. vol. 10, 1876, pp. 216-222. JSTOR. Web. 29 Jan. 2017. Herman, Peter C. Tragedy and the Crisis of Authority in Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. Intertexts. vol. 12, no. 1/2, 2008, pp. 89-109. EBSCO Host. Web. 28 Jan. 2017. Karaman, Hatice. The Mother, Who Is Not One: Reflections Of Motherhood in Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, and The Taming of the Shrew. Gender Studies. Vol.13, no. 1, 2014, pp. 37-47. Research Gate. Web. 29 Jan. 2017. Hoppe, H. R.The bad quarto of Romeo and Juliet; a bibliographical and textual study. Ithaca: Cornell U Press, 1948. Print. Kakkonen, Gordana GaliĆ¡, and Ana Penjak. The Nature of Gender: Are Juliet, Desdemona and Cordelia to their Fathers as Nature is to Culture?Critical Survey. vol. 27, no. 1, 2015, pp. 18-35.EBSCO host. Web. 30 Jan. 2017. Kottman, Paul A. Defying the Stars: Tragic Love as the Struggle for Freedom inRomeo and Juliet.Shakespeare Quarterly. vol. 63, no.1, 2012, pp. 1-38. Project Muse. Web. 29 Jan. 2017 Lupton, Julia Reinhard. Response to Paul A. Kottman, Defying the Stars: Tragic Love as the Struggle for Freedom inRomeo and Juliet.Shakespeare Quarterly. vol. 63, no. 1, 2012, pp. 39-45. Project Muse. Web. 30 Jan. 2017. Lupton, Julia Reinhard. Romeo and Juliet: a critical reader. London: Bloomsbury, 2016. Print. Minutella, Vincenza.Reclaiming Romeo and Juliet: Italian translations for page, stage and screen. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2013. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 30 Jan. 2017. Mujahid, Maryam F. Romeo and Juliet a Tragedy of Love by Text: Why Targeted Penalties that Offer Front-end Severity and Back-end Leniency are Necessary to Remedy the Teenage Mass-Sexting Dilemma. Howard Law Journal. vol. 55, no. 1, 2011, pp. 173-204. HeinOnline. Web. 28 Jan. 2017. Sà ¡nchez, Antonio Barcelona. Metaphorical models of romantic love in Romeo and Juliet.Journal of Pragmatics. vol. 24, no. 6, 1995, pp.   667-88. Science Direct. Web. 30 Jan. 2017. Sause, Birte. Love, death, and fortune: central concepts in Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH, 2013. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 28 Jan. 2017. Targoff, Ramie. Mortal Love: ShakespearesRomeo and Julietand the Practice of Joint Burial.Representations. vol. 120, no. 1, 2012, pp. 17-38. JSTOR. Web. 30 Jan. 2017.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Many Teenagers Run Away from Home Essay

Each year, many teenagers run away from home. Why do you think are their chief causes? There are many teenagers who run away from their home. Recently the problem of teenagers running away from home is getting more and more serious. This happens in big cities and small towns, and our country is no exception. Each year, many teenagers run away from their families. But it all depends on the person. The main reasons of teenagers’ running away are in surrounding community. The closest people in the world are our family. But if there are some problems in family, then person, especially teenager, who is formed own current psyche, escape from the hopelessness. Nowadays it is very difficult to live with the society around us. Many people try to find a benefit only for themselves, trying to deceive someone in order to satisfy their needs. They deceive each other without thinking that makes a pain and mental injury. There are several reasons why teenagers run away from home, normally these reasons are related to conditions in the families, bad influence of their friends and financial problem. The first cause of running away is conditions in the family. One of the reasons is because they come from broken homes where their parents are divorced. They do not get enough love and care from their parents. As a result, they will go and find love and care elsewhere. Some parents have the habit of quarrelling in front of their children. The children feel ashamed of their parents and cannot stand this kind of environment. In the end they run away from home. Some parents are too strict with their children. They always punished, scold and lecture their children. They also put too much pressure on their children especially in their studies. Actually they should encourage and guide them more instead of putting unrealistic goals on their lives. Most teenagers do not like to be restricted and treated like children. They want to have their own freedom. They like to be creative and learn things for themselves. To overcome the problem, parents should learn how to care and love their children. They need to be sensitive and careful not to do certain things in front of the children. For example, if they have conflicts among themselves, they need to settle it on their own first instead of arguing or quarrelling in front of their children. In many families children are afraid of talking to their parents and asking them for what they want. For this reason the misunderstandings between them grow bigger and bigger. This often ends in a big quarrel. The second reason that leads to run away teenagers from their home is bad influence of their friends. They find their own way of escape by running away from home. They tend to spend their time with their friends than staying at home. That is the beginning of the problem. If they mix with the wrong group of friends, they will get involve with all kinds of wrong activities. For example, under the influence of bad friends, teenagers who escape from home may fall under alcohol dependence. Teenagers abuse alcohol. They seem to be getting a hold of alcohol at a younger and younger age. Since alcohol is used to celebrate and have fun, teens that abuse alcohol most likely has no idea of the affect alcohol and its abuse can have on their bodies. If they find bad friends that influence of them, they begin to offer drinking and in the end teens used to drink and become an alcoholics. Then finish their life in the street. Also teens may become drug addict, which in turn lead to depression and suicide. The most common reason why teenagers use drug is to relieve stress. Many of them have to suffer stress from family condition. One of the explanations is that drugs users have a poor family life. The majority of drug users have had an unhappy childhood which includes cruel punishment and parental neglect. Many teenagers become a fraudster and a thief when the run away from home. Thus the undergrowths, which are associated with bad friends, began to becoming fraudsters or steal on the street. Eventually they are arrested for petty theft and in the future they have no chance to make something oflife, because they have a criminal past. The last cause of teenagers running away is financial problem. The most teenagers run away from their house for financial problem in the family. Mendicancy is big problem nowadays, especially in our country. A lot of people standing on the street and ask money. Most of them teenagers, I am sure that they have family and house, but anyway the escape from their home. The main reason it is financial problem. They become a thief and begin to stealing bags, wallets, mobile phones and others valuable things. If someone steals so they can survive or to help other people that are in need then in most cases it’s alright. To steal just because they didn’t want to pay for something even though they’re capable then it’s wrong. These people should be punished in order to learn that they were wrong for stealing. But these teenagers who have home and family, who must study, help parents, they should not steal. But others teenagers find not good pay jobs, such as water in cheap cafes, cleaner, job in car washing, janitor and so on. They need the money, but they have not opportunity and choice and they have to work in such jobs as these. They have not education and no one can help them with good job. Every teenager who run away from home, have made a bad decision. They got themselves under the pressures that they felt the need to escape from. Instead of facing their problem and solving it, they chose to run from it. When they have the right decision to change some of the things that may be going on in their lives, the pressure lessens, and there is no more need for them to escape. If they learn to solve their problem and their parents will help them to do so,withoutcursingandimpose theirgoals and solutions,then the escape of teenagers reducedmanytimes. In conclusion, there are so many teenagers who run away from their families. There are many reasons for it, but one solution parents must be more careful, understanding and loving. If parents will pay enough attention to their children, the children answered them reciprocate and they the same as apply to their children in the future. For teenagers is very important parents’ attention, their understanding and advice. Parents should only speak with their child and all this will not happen. I think the main problem of this issue is misunderstood of our parents, because they forget that they also be teenagers, they want fence in all things. But this lead to lies quarrels and finally escapes from home.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Argummentative Essay Essay

You are to write an argumentative essay in response to one of the following topics: High school students aren’t ready to enter college. Age matters in relationships. All citizens should speak a second language. Your essay should have the following format: Paragraph I. Introduction: Give necessary background information and includes a clearly defined thesis statement. II. Supporting Evidence: Provide specific factual and/or anecdotal evidence to support your thesis. III. Refuting Contrary Positions: Show why counterarguments are incorrect. IV. Conclusion: Summarize main ideas and reaffirm your thesis. Expectations: Please use Times New Roman 12 point font, 1 inch margins, and 1. 5 line spacing. You may not exceed two pages. Deadline: This essay is due on Sunday, May 19th at 11:59 p. m. Please e-mail it rather than printing a hard copy. Evaluation: You will be evaluated according to the attached rubric. Mark| Criteria| 4. 5-5| The student performs the task very well, covering all the main points using a wide range of structures and vocabulary. There are no errors and the language is very well-controlled. Ideas are organized clearly and the student uses linking words with ease and proper punctuation. The register and form are also correct. The student greatly exceeds the level expected for the task. | 4-4. 5| The student performs the task well covering most, if not all, the important points using a good choice of structures and vocabulary. The language is controlled with few mistakes and the whole text is clearly comprehensible. Ideas are well-organised and the student uses linking words and generally punctuates. The register and form are also correct. The student is above the level expected for the task. | 3. 5-4| The student covers many of the important points using relevant tructures and vocabulary with few mistakes. There may be occasional incomprehensibility but this does not affect the overall understanding of the text. Ideas are mostly organized correctly and there is some use of linking words and punctuation. The register and form are mostly correct. The student is at the level expected for the task. | 3-3. 5| The student attempts the task. Some points are made but they m ay not all be relevant, clear or comprehensible. Structure and vocabulary contain errors that can affect meaning and there may be cases of incomprehensibility. Ideas may not be organized correctly and there may be little evidence of linking words and punctuation. Register and form are mostly correct. The student is below the level expected for the task. | Below 3| The student largely fails to perform the task. The student is not consistently relevant, clear or comprehensible. There are major errors of structure and vocabulary which affect meaning. Ideas are not well-organized and there is little or no evidence of linking words. Register and form may be incorrect. The student is well below the level expected for the task. |

Friday, November 8, 2019

Should I Go to a Big or Small College

Should I Go to a Big or Small College SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips One of the main factors to consider when choosing a college is the size of its enrollment. This is one of the first things college search websites ask you to specify because it’s an easy way to eliminate a bunch of schools. But what if you aren't sure whether you’re interested in big or small colleges or what the benefits and drawbacks are for each? In this article, I’ll provide a rundown of the characteristics of large and small colleges and the ways they differ from one another. What Is a Big College? Schools with more than 15,000 students are usually considered "big" colleges.These schools offer diverse social experiences and a wide variety of learning opportunities.They are places where you'll constantly encounter new and exciting things to do and meet all different types of people. Examples of big colleges include: New York UniversityUCLAFlorida State UniversityGeorge Mason UniversityTemple University Pros of Attending a Big College There are lots of opportunities for socializing and meeting new people. Big colleges usually have a wider selection ofacademicprograms. There are extensive collections of research materials andstate-of-the-art research facilities. There's more variety in housing choices. There will be more extracurricular clubs and activities. Big colleges havewell-funded athletic programs. They often attract famous or otherwise distinguished faculty. Cons of Attending a Big College You could end up in huge lecture classes that contain hundreds of students, resulting inless individual attention from professors. There's more administrative red tape;if you wanted to switch majors, for example, you might have to get more signatures and approvals than if you went to a small college. If you don’t speak up for your needs and interests, you could get lost in the crowd. You have to be willing to go after opportunities at a big college because no one will seek you out and give them to you. It’s more common for students to get TOO immersed in the myriad social opportunities and neglect academics. Should You Choose a Big College? A big college may or may not be right for you depending on your personality and what you’re looking to accomplish in the next four years.If you’re someone who constantly seeks out new experiences and loves meeting new people, you may thrive at a big college.You’ll have the opportunity to meet people from many different cultural backgrounds and attend a huge variety of social events. Since there are so many people, if you’re willing to explore, you're likely to find others who have the same interests as you.You’ll almost certainly find extracurricular and academic opportunities that align with your passions.If you’re interested in sports, large colleges are also more likely to have well-funded athletic programs and facilities. If you want to gain experience as a research assistant or get your start in academia, a big college might also fit well with your goals.With top-notch research facilities and distinguished faculty, large universities have all the resources you need to find these types of opportunities.If you attend a large research university, you're more likely to be presented with opportunities to collaborate on projects with professors who are leaders in their fields. This could lead to being listed as a coauthor on groudbreaking research papers or presenting research at high-profile conferences. Large universities must provide cutting edge research facilities so that their high-profile faculty can continue to make new discoveries and publish work. Undergraduates can often access these facilities and reap the benefits in their own research endeavors. In many cases, this leads to an advantage in admission to graduate school programs that value students who have already demonstrated a knack for research. If you’re an independent person who is comfortable advocating for yourself, a big college environment will probably play to your strengths.There's less individual attention and direct guidance, but if you’re willing to seek out the resources for yourself, you may have many more opportunities at your disposal than you would find at a small college. Florida State University: It looks pretty, but I can only imagine what kinds of many-legged horrors are hidden in the vegetation. What Is a Small College? Generally, a small college is defined as a school with less than 5,000 students.These schools are characterized by a close-knit student community and a greater focus on undergraduate teaching by professors.You’ll always run into people you know and will have access to more individual academic attention. Examples of small colleges include: Babson CollegeFranklin CollegeMiddlebury CollegeOberlin CollegeVassar College Pros of Attending a Small College You can get to know most people and will run into familiar faces everywhere you go. At small colleges, the camaraderie amongst students is often very strong. You’re likely to get more individual attention from professors and have smaller class sizes. Professors, not Teaching Assistants, teach most classes- in general, there is more of a focus on undergraduate education. There are usually opportunities to create individually designed majors rather than being stuck with the programs that are officially offered by the school. Small colleges often have stronger advising systems for students. You may have more opportunities to gain leadership experience because there will be less competition than at big schools. Cons of Attending a Small College There are often fewer research facilities and resources. You'll find less variety in social life and less emphasis on large sporting events. There are usually fewer major choices (although as I mentioned, you can often design your own major which is pretty cool). Small colleges can be very isolating,especially in rural locations. There will be less variety in housing choices. Should YOU Choose a Small College? If you like being part of a strong community and feeling comfortable and familiar with your surroundings, a small college may work for you.Going to a small college can make meeting new people a bit easier.If you become friends with just a few of your classmates, you’ll see them around frequently, and it’s more likely that you’ll find connections with others in the community.Going to a small college makes it easier to relate directly to other students since there is a less dramatic range of experiences on campus. Did you enjoy small class discussions in high school? Did you have a close relationship with your teachers?These are both things that are more likely to be a part of the small college experience.You’ll have more interaction with your professors and get the opportunity to learn directly from them rather than being taught by TAs. Professors will get to know you on an individual basis and give thoughtful feedback on your work. You may also have more chances to collaborate with professors on research since you won't be competing with a large pools of graduate students. Additionally, curriculum at small colleges tends to be more flexible. If there's a unique academic path that you want to take that doesn't quite fit with the school's requirements, your advisors will help you make it happen.If you have more of an introverted personality and are hoping to find sustained support in college from your professors and advisors, a small college may be the right choice. Oberlin College: I can't think of any stereotypes about Ohio...Ohio's boring! HA The Compromise: Medium-Sized Colleges What about schools that have between 5,000 and 15,000 students?These are the Goldilocks schools - not too small, not too big.If you feel that certain aspects of both large and small colleges appeal to you, you might want to look at these medium-sized schools.This is tricky, though. You could end up getting the best of both worlds or missing out on the things you liked about one or both of the other types of schools. For medium-sized colleges, it’s particularly important to look at the specifics of what the school offers in the form of research facilities, class sizes, and extracurricular opportunities.A medium-sized college may have more big college characteristics or more small college characteristics depending on its location and the composition of its student body.If the school is in a city, the social life might be more like a big college since there will be a lot going on around campus and you'll interact with more people outside the student population. On the other hand, in a rural area, you might get more of a small college sense of community and familiarity. Examples of medium-sized colleges include: Carnegie Mellon UniversityEmory UniversityHoward UniversityTufts UniversityVanderbilt University In the next section, I’ll show you how to search for colleges by size so you can check out schools that are large, medium, and small and get a clearer picture of how they line up with your preferences. How to Search for Colleges By Size This information is all well and good, but how do you actually find schools that have the enrollment size you’re looking for?I would recommend using College Navigator for your initial search.You can specify thesize range you want if you click on â€Å"more search options†: Notice that you can you cannarrow your search down to schools that are the right size and also specify any other basic qualities that matter to you.The top of the search box allows you to search for colleges bystate or zip code and by program type. Once you get a list of schools, you can add any that sound promising to your â€Å"favorites† and even compare statistics side by side to see how they line up with your preferences. College Navigator will give you data about tuition, financial aid, enrollment, and admissions for the schools you choose.Once you have a good idea of which ones you like, you might consult another site to get more information about how students view the school and any other qualities you’re curious about. I would recommend Cappex, a college matchmaking site, for conducting the more in-depth part of your search since it offers both hard data and student reviews on all aspects of campus life.When you create a profile, you can specify your preferences for school enrollment size to get appropriate matches.You can also search for the schools you found on College Navigator and learn more information about them through their Cappex profiles.With these search options, you can start compiling a list of schools that you like by narrowing down your choices by size first and then figuring out if they have other features that interest you. Summary Big and small colleges differ in the characteristics of the social scene, the resources available, and the structure of classes.Big colleges are great places for motivated students to have diverse experiences and access high-quality research materials.Small colleges are great options for students who want to learn directly from professors and gain strong ties to the community.When searching for schools, you should take these characteristics into account and decide which type of college is a better fit for you personality and goals. Here's a quick questionairre that includes some of the major points from above so that you can get a sense of whether a big or small school is right for you. If the majority of your answers are "yes", you should look into big colleges first. If the majority of your answers are "no", small colleges might be better. If the majority of your answers are "sometimes", you might look into medium-sized colleges, or size may not be as important of a factor in your college decision as it is for other people. Yes Sometimes No I love meeting new people. I enjoy being exposed to unfamiliar situations and perspectives and having a wide variety of social experiences in general. I am a very independent learner. Class size is not important to me. I don't feel the need to have a close relationship with my professors. I like attending big sporting events. I'm looking for a school with extensive research facilities. I have a major in mind already. Keep in mind that not all big colleges and small colleges have the same characteristics - these are generalizations, not hard facts.Make sure you do your research to find out exactly what each school offers and how it will make your college experience worthwhile. What's Next? Looking for some great resources that will help you in your college search? Read my article on the best college search websites. The Common Application makes it easy to apply to a bunch of schools without filling out a bunch of different forms. Find out which schools use it here. Aiming high in your college search? Read this article on what it takes to get into Ivy League and other highly selective schools. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Argentinas Dirty War Research Paper Example

Argentinas Dirty War Research Paper Example Argentinas Dirty War Paper Argentinas Dirty War Paper At the Eleventh Conference of Latin American Armies, in October of 1975, Argentinas commander in chief of the military forces, Jorge Rafael Videla, pointed out to reporters inquiring about the fight against subversion: In order to guarantee the security of the state, all necessary people will die. When another journalist asked for clarification on the meaning of subversive, he replied, Anyone who opposes the Argentine way of life. 1 A few months following this declaration, on March 24, 1976, the military seized control of the nation; overthrowing the constitutional government, then lead by Isabel Peron. General Videla, Admiral Massera and Brigadier Agosti became the newest leaders in a sequence of military coups. Although this trio would go down in history as the bloodiest one of them all, a series of four more military juntas also followed. In 1981, General Viola, Army Chief of Staff, succeeded Videla upon the conclusion of his term. Although barely assuaging, Viola attempted to reopen conversations with the political parties which were still banned. The even more intransigent General Galtieri replaced him months later. Finally, in 1982, General Bignone was set up to manage the process of transitioning the government towards free elections. This evil period in Argentine history brought the word desaparecidos -the disappeared ones-into everyday parlance. As a terrifying foretaste of what was to come, renowned Peronist leader, Bernardo Alberte, was visited in the early hours of the seizure by a federal police unit. He was then thrown out of his sixth-story apartment building, while his family helplessly witnessed the entire torture. With this, one of many thousand deeds of horror, the new regime took hold of the nation. 2 It is estimated that during this period a total of 30,000 people were disappeared. The political unsteadiness of Isabel Perons administration had, amongst other things, established the grounds for the military coup. Outrageous inflation, murders and profound divisions within the political factions made this intervention appear unavoidable to practically everyone. A cautiously planned campaign by conservative groups of the media, with the support of Argentinean landowners, as well as the pressure of the international financial sector, fashioned an image of these rulers as honest men that would guard the countrys interests against the bloodshed that could occur if guerrilla organizations gained control. However, although the government by the army intended to provide a strong and unified front publicly, each one of them became notable for their internal power struggles, as well. Following the coup, the Constitution was replaced by, what is commonly known, as El Proceso (Statute for the Process of National Reorganization). This statute vested the military rulers with the capacity to exercise legislative, executive and judicial powers in their administration. Jointly, they now controlled trade unions, political groups and institutions of higher learning. Censorship was pervasive, habeas corpus was undermined and all constitutional guarantees were suspended indefinitely. Hence, ninety percent of the courts judges were substituted by new ones. The regime, in their self-portrayal of guardians of the Argentine values of tradition, family and property, deemed any disapproval of their rule as subversive behavior. Therefore, anyone and everyone suspicious of such attitudes would be eliminated, in the interest of protecting the welfare of the nation. As stated by Videla: The repression is against a minority which we do not consider Argentine. 3 The death penalty as a punishment for political crimes was incorporated to the string of new laws and decrees that not only amplified the power of the military, but also that of police officials. During a period of eight years, four different military regimes, took hold of all aspects of government, undertaking one of the most atrocious campaigns of despotism recognized in the Western Hemisphere. It would only be following the fiasco of the war for the Falkland Islands (known as the Malvinas Islands, to Argentineans) that democracy would be, finally, reinstated through the election of President Raul Alfonsin, in 1983. Context of The Dirty War Following World War II, Argentina was positioned eighth amongst the most affluent countries in the globe. Buenos Aires was a refined city, known to the rest of the world as the Paris of South America. As described by Marguerite Feitlowitz, its exceedingly European people were noted for being cultured, sophisticated and cosmopolitan. Up until the mid-seventies, Argentina had the highest literacy rate in all Latin America. In addition, because of the fertility of its expansive and fertile soil, it is one of the few nations in the world that shall never require the importation of food. Nevertheless, despite these achievements, this country has been socially, economically, politically self-destructive, as well. Politicians not only habitually consume their enemies, but also any restive allies too. An example of this was the fall of General Peron. General Juan Domingo Peron was a controversial leader that became president, for the first time in 1946. He was admired by the extreme left and extreme right alike. Peron was a strong supporter of the descamisados (shirtless ones) and organized labor. He was also a fan of Mussolini and Hitler, and a lure for progressive Jews who also provided asylum to thousands of Nazis. Peron became a strong adversary of the oligarchy by nationalizing services and industries and consequently keeping the employees in line with a combination of giveaways and the iron glove. 4 In 1955, the military toppled Perons government and the Peronist Party became outlawed. Juan Domingo Peron remained in political exile, in Spain, until1973, when he returned to be President for a second time in his career. The Montoneros was one of the primary guerrilla organizations to which the antisubversive campaign was originally directed. Although this particular group grew out of the much larger Peronist union movement, by 1976 Peronist leaders not only openly condemned the Montoneros, but also hired paramilitary assistance in order to combat and kill guerrillas. However, by the time the 1976 military regime came to power, the revolutionary groups in Argentina had been all but obliterated. Its is estimated that the total amount of insurgent force members was limited to only about two thousand, while only twenty percent of them were actually armed. On the other hand, the number of the armed forces was close to a quarter of a million people. Clearly, the so-called threat posed by left-wing insurgency was merely an excuse to take complete charge and impose the regime s own terror campaign. These new leaders set out to modify-through any means available-the political, economic, social and cultural makeup of Argentina and to establish themselves as the supreme and unchallenged rulers. 5 Political Culture: Recurring Phases of Gory Rule The history and political culture of this nation has, for long, been tainted by recurring cycles of bloody rule. Researchers date this modern military period back to the 1930s, when Jose Uriburus aggressive coup detat took place. This would become the first military intervention since 1854. From this point and until 1976 there were a total of nine civilian supported military seizures of the government, two other presidents selected by the armed forces, two blatantly rigged elections and also two terms of quasi-fascistic Peronism. 6 On average, each of these governments lasted slightly beyond two and a half years. Military control in Argentine politics not only stems from the weakness and inadequacy of civilian institutions, but also from the particular power of the armed forces within its culture. An irony in the history of this country is that not many officers took part in Jose Uriburus coup; however from that episode on the political culture of Argentina became highly militarized. Although the military forces have illustrated over and over how inadequate their governmental skills are, elected administrations have continuously sought the protection of their power. As summarized by French sociologist Alain Rouquie in his Pouvoir militaire et societe politique en Republique Argentine, No president-civilian or military-has managed to stay in office against the wishes of he men in uniform. Despite all of its cultural sophistication, the foundation of the Argentinean society is quite medieval. Fashioned after the Praetorian Guard, its conventional triad is comprised of the landowning oligarchy, the armed forces and the Catholic Church. Argentina has consistently showed uneasiness about the chaotic nature of democracy. On the other hand, the cool and heavy handed strength of the military provided them with the perception that government was less vulnerable to corruption. During the 1960s, high profiled newspapers-such as La Opinionsupported another series of coups. Because the military preferred an economy based on international capitalism, they were presumed to be more in sync with the interests of the upper and middle classes than the other factions which were after a statist economic policy with an emphasis in organized labor. In the 70s, a huge devaluation of the peso and rampant unemployment rates, exacerbated guerrilla conflict between ultra-right and ultra-left militia broke out. Violent behavior was widespread and everyone was in danger. In 1974, in the midst of such turmoil, Peron dies and control is taken over by his wife, Isabel. As a reaction to the intimidation of the left, the Peronist administration forms the Triple A (Argentine Anti-Communist Alliance. This death squad was originally under the management of the Federal Police and later on under the control of the Minister of Social Welfare. In 1975, Isabel Perons administration officially declared that subversion had been eliminated all subversive elements. Argentina, though supposedly democratic, was for all intents and purposes, under siege. As mentioned earlier in this paper, the armed left had originated from the Peronist movement, although there were other factions, which had a Maoist cast. Naturally, the Che Guevara was highly regarded by them. Although the Montoneros was the largest of the opposing organizations, the Maoist-inflected Peoples Revolutionary Army (ERP) and Peoples Armed Force (FAP) were seriously active as well. The United States and the National Security Doctrine In 1959, Fidel Castros rise to power was a source of much concern to Latin American conservatives and moderates alike. A year later, Argentina implemented the Plan for Civil Insurrection Against the State (CONINTES). This plan was not only aimed at terrorists, but also anyone who identified with or assisted in concealing them. Therefore, lead by a senior officer, the country was split up into military zones. As was to be expected, Washington was not welcoming to Fidel Castro, since he was perceived as a possible weapon of the Soviet Union in the Cold War. The United States was resolute in its objective to keep South America on its side. In 1963, Defense Secretary Robert MacNamara, addressed the United States Congress by asserting that, Our best return on investment in military aid probably comes from the training of selected Army forces and key specialists in our military academies and training centers in the United States and abroad. These students are carefully selected by their countries so that they, in turn, become instructors when they go home. They are the leaders of the future I dont need to dwell on the value of having people in positions of power who have a first hand nowledge of how we think and act here in the United States. For us having these people as friends is invaluable 7 The National Security Doctrine became the political foundation of the military juntas. Since the rule of right-wing General Ongania, soldiers were being methodically trained regarding the threat posed by anyone who did not remain associated to the military and Christian values that protected the world against communism. As many ot hers, Ongania was considerably biased by the United States counterinsurgency courses and lectures that had promoted the doctrine all over South America. This National Security Doctrine was comprised of a sketchy set of concepts and its cohesive power restive in its definition of the enemy, as communism. 8 A remnant of the Cold War, it was created in order to guard the economic power of the United States in South America. United States trepidation about another Cuba drove their efforts to train Latin America against Marxism. This dogma held that a third world war was in peril between the free world and Communism. Commander of the Third Army Corps expanded on this further, by saying: On one side were the subversives that wanted to destroy the national state to convert it into a Communist state, a satellite in the red orbit, and on the other side, us, the legal forces, which by the authority of two decrees of the then constitutional power, participated in that struggle. The internal foe was more dangerous than those out of the country, however, because it endangered the basic Christian and Western ideals of the Argentinean society. The role of the armed forces was to protect Argentinas ideological purity. The government started to intercede in other nations internal matters and joined the Southern Cones military dictatorships in combating subversion. Eventually, this model was exported to other countries-such as Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras-where the Argentine actively trained soldiers on repressive techniques against insurgency, as well. In order to synchronize military activities in these nations, General Viola, proposed the doctrine of Seguridad Continental (National Security). This created a actual secretive system for the repression. Political refugees from Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay and Bolivia were warned that they would be deported, if they jeopardized, in any way, the national security of the country. Acknowledging the hazard the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) issued a global plea to assist in relocating the refugees elsewhere. According to the belief of the armed forces, the worldwide tactic of Communism now required that the state responded with a wide-reaching international approach. The predictability of a third world war systematically conditioned the minds of the officers and soldiers running the day-to-day operations. Thus, allowing them to justifiably exercise the gruesome methods of repression that were being requested of them from the juntas in power. In his personal account on his kidnapping and subsequent detention, Timerman, editior of La Opinion, discusses what he would overhear from the officers, at he detention center where he was kept: attendance to weekly courses given by the army on such war, was obligatory for the entire staff of torturers, interrogators, and kidnappers. The massage conveyed by this academy was simple: Communism needed To be stopped, and Nazi tactics and methods were the only effective tools For fighting the subversion Since Argentinas labor movement was the foundation of the Peronista Party, workers from the trade union was one the main targets of this campaign. Any demands for social or economic change coming from these groups, were interpreted as the inner workings of a communist scheme. Therefore, Finance Minister Martinez de Oz (who was also president of Acindar-one of three steel industriessubsidiary of U. S. Steel, member of ITT and Pan Am Airway board of Directors) instituted economic strategies that disenfranchised these particular employees. Oz voided progressive labor regulation, froze salaries and increased the wages of officers of the military. As a result, international investment sector was favored at the cost of the national industry. In the meantime, the large credit lines extended by foreign banks and the IMF (International Monetary Fund) supported the economy. However, this period known as plata dulce (sweet money) wouldnt last for long. As put by journalist I. Guest: Down came the barriers, up went the peso and in came the loans, again10 Influences in Counterinsurgency Instruction In 1951, the United States Defense Department established its Military Assistance Program, in accordance to the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance. The purpose of such program was to arm and coach South American armed forces. The Inter-American Defense College in Washington was a highly regarded center, in the U. S. , where the hand-picked candidates would be qualified in counterinsurgency techniques. Another infamous location, where eligible soldiers were rewarded with this unique training, was the United States Army School of the Americas (SOA). The SOA was, initially, established in 1946 in Panama Canal Zone and later on moved to the state of Georgia, in the United States. Here, fifty seven thousand Latin American soldiers were trained on blackmail, torture, bribery and murder. The courses were financed by the United States taxpayers money. Amongst the military men that were trained in this academy were Nicaraguan dictator Somoza, Panamanian drug trafficker Noriega and Argentinas General Galtieri. The academies manuals that surfaced in recent years advised that hypnosis and truth serum be utilized to induce interrogations. Additionally, it was also recommended that parents of political prisoners be arrested in order to encourage talk. The handbooks, which were translations from earlier American English versions, from the sixties, clearly violate todays United States policy. As far a military instruction is concerned, the United States was not the only resource of knowledge for the armed forces of Argentina. The French who had combated subversion in Algeria and Indochina also influenced the Argentine military curricula, as well. The Chief of Police of Buenos Aires between 1976-79, General Camps, was an admirer of the Frenchs take on repression, moreso than the American way. Camps, who believed that terror was a rite of passage and who proudly and openly, admitted his responsibility in over five thousand disappearances expanded on this point as follows: France and the United States were the great disseminators of antisubversive doctrine. They both. , but particularly the United States, organized centers to instruct in the fight against subversion. They sent advisors and teachers. They disturbed a huge amount of bibliography. Unfortunately,. All of that Ended in failure, although it was possible to analyze why they hadnt triumphed There was a basic difference: they were fighting outside their own territory, In countries of different race, a different language, different customs. That Situation is totally distinct from the situation in our Latin American countries. It is important to clarify that the French optic was more correct than The North American; the former had a global concept; the latter were all but Exclusively military. All that was fine until we reached adulthood and Applied our own doctrine which enabled us to triumph against subversion. 11 In the fifties, a military operation from France arrived at the Escuela Superior de Guerra in Buenos Aires (National War College), in order to teach courses in Revolutionary War-also known as Anti-Communist Warfare and Anti-subversive Warfare. During the 1950s and 1960s, articles written by French officers, were published in the schools journals. 12 During the 1970s the Argentine students, published new works that built on the earlier French principles of torture. Many Argentine researchers have acknowledged the influence of this particular mission in the shaping and of Argentinean military tactics and strategy. Clearly, the exchange of ideology at this College was of significant importance as it afforded the Argentine armed forces, yet added rationalization in their application of torture during their operations in the Dirty War.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Social Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Engineering - Essay Example Meanwhile, the aspect of social Engineering just happening from diverse institutions in the technological world however is not good or evil since it carries both positive as well as negative norms. Many companies usually work based on initiating database for effective delivery of their services and therefore they make sure that their servers are free from malicious hackers as well as avoid any forms of infiltrations on their servers. Social Engineering infrastructure has been affected through internet fraudulent activities. Social engineering is one the artistically as well as scientifically facet that involves skillfully articulations and it is used in diverse professional including, lawyer, students, researchers, psychologists. According to various researchers, social engineering is termed as a collection of various skills and sciences that leads to a certain action (Wilson and Hadnagy, 12-16). Pre-texting In the United Kingdom, pre-texting, also known as blagging as well as bohoin g activities, involves the act of creation and inventing ways to phish out divulging information. Moreover, pre-texting can also be defined as the act of inventing and creating certain traits that makes people perform certain actions. Pre-texting involves anything within imagination context. The rise of internet has majorly affected Pre-texting norm in many ways. Various hackers nowadays use Pre-texting technique as well as method phished from business domains in disclosing customer’s information as well as obtaining various records (Arnold, 20-23). Forms of social Engineering The forms of social Engineering entails the presence of hackers, penetration testers also known as pentester, spies framework, identity thieves, disgruntled employees, scum artists, executive recruiters, salespeople, governments as well as professionals such as lawyers, psychologists, and doctors. Many companies and software vendors are creating hardened as well as complex software, difficult to break i nto. Due to this reason, many hackers have decided to embark on the social engineering facets using the prevailing minor breaches as well as blend engineering attacks to initiate their purposes (Simson and Mitnick, 42-47). In real sense, we find that penetration testers are entity of people who uses black malicious skills in gaining personal information of someone or harming the targeted person. Remote hacking has been one of the major approaches that have been used as a penetration tester also known as pentester, which is offensive in nature. However, based on pentester facet, many organizations in business today uses pentester articulation to ensure that their clients remain secure in terms of their data manipulation. Many governmental organizations utilize social engineering perception by controlling their protocol domains and messaging systems they releases to their workers. Social proof, authorization, and scarcity are one of the social engineering aspects that are utilized, sh owing that social engineering is not always negative (Wilson and Hadnagy, 49-56). Uses of Social engineering Social engineering can be initiated and employed in many areas that pertain aspects of life and affects one positively or negatives depending on the prevailing issue. Generally, social engineering can be malicious or be friendly by either tearing down or building up someone life. Motivation is an aspect that is

Friday, November 1, 2019

Locals spend lavishly thanks to windfall from IPOs Essay

Locals spend lavishly thanks to windfall from IPOs - Essay Example "I took a Karwa taxi to the Industrial Area from the Old Airport locality on Friday evening and I paid QR30 as one-way fare It is too much," he said. Even a Qatari national, Yahya Abdul Rahman, felt the sheep were costlier this Eid. He blamed house rents as the single culprit for the rising cost of living and said he had let out four houses to expatriate tenant families and raised rents only marginally. "I have concern for them," he said of his tenants. The article mainly talks about how locals in Doha, Qatar enjoy affluent lifestyles as opposed to foreign expatriates. Expatriates are people who are temporarily living in another country, the culture of which different from the one they are from. The locals' and the expatriates' economic and financial differences are highlighted during the Eid al-Adha or Feast of Sacrifice, the most important feast of the Muslim. The feast is celebrated by sacrificing domestic animals, particularly sheep. The article narrates how it is easy for an average Qatari to purchase a fair number of sheep, while the foreigners struggle to buy even just one. The local Qataris can manage to be extravagant because of the "booming stock market" especially initial public offerings (IPO... He blamed house rents as the single culprit for the rising cost of living and said he had let out four houses to expatriate tenant families and raised rents only marginally. "I have concern for them," he said of his tenants. "Landlords are greedy," he said of property owners, his fellow countrymen. "Rising inflation is not good for all of us." Section: Local News Accessed 1/9/2006 from 1.2 Commentary The article mainly talks about how locals in Doha, Qatar enjoy affluent lifestyles as opposed to foreign expatriates. Expatriates are people who are temporarily living in another country, the culture of which different from the one they are from. The locals' and the expatriates' economic and financial differences are highlighted during the Eid al-Adha or Feast of Sacrifice, the most important feast of the Muslim. The feast is celebrated by sacrificing domestic animals, particularly sheep. The article narrates how it is easy for an average Qatari to purchase a fair number of sheep, while the foreigners struggle to buy even just one. The local Qataris can manage to be extravagant because of the "booming stock market" especially initial public offerings (IPOs). IPOs are the first sale of stock offered by a private company to the public, stocks being the element of ownership in a corporation. IPOs can only be offered once, many people take advantage of the opportunity. It is typical for the value of IPOs to rise on debut. However, many fall below the offering prices before the year ends. Because of this investing in IPOs are risky, as with all other investments. But even with the booming shares in the Doha Securities Market (up to 98% in 2005), economists raise concern that it might

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Leadership Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Leadership Assessment - Essay Example Leader’s focus remains on the people and importantly on ways to inspire them to face new challenges and to perform in any state of affairs. Not to panic at any rate is the most indispensable quality of a leader. Every leader has the quality of maintaining the confidence level up and to assure followers that the whole thing is going to be fine. To be humorous and comical with the employees is an additional great quality that differentiates some leaders from others. According to a study, females have more leadership capabilities than males. Traditionally leadership tasks were associated with men only but over a period of time women are increasingly getting involved in the leadership jobs (Eagly & Johannesen?Schmidt, 2001). LEADERSHIP STYLE There are many styles of the leaders which are being followed but three major leadership styles are commonly used in organizations. These common leadership styles are as follows (Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt, & Van Engen, 2003): Autocratic, also known as ‘authoritarian’ Participative also known as ‘democratic’ Delegative also known as ‘laissez-fair’ Authoritarian (Autocratic): Example of expression for the above style is, â€Å"I want both of you to. . ... . .† In this style, there is a leader and one or more employees are collectively involved in making of the decision (deciding what to do & how to do). This style is a mark of potency to work in a team and not a sign of weakness of leader. This authority is bring into play when knowledge or information of others employees can prove valuable contribution. By using this authority, a benefit of mutual understanding allows every other member of the organization to participate for the betterment of decisions (Sosik & Godshalk, 2000). Delegative (Laissez Faire): Example of expression for the above style is, , â€Å"You two take care of the problem while I go. . .† This style allows the employees to make their contribution and take decisions. The style is used when the employees have enough knowledge about the situation and know what to do and in what manner the work is to be done. Leader’s complete trust on the capability of employees and intentions to develop decision m aking capability in employees results in leader to adopt this style. Leaders increasingly use this style in the current professional world (Sosik & Godshalk, 2000). My manager in the current organization has adopted the combination of the three styles. The collective feature of all three defined style have had significant positive impact on my attitude towards works as well as entire organization. With participative decision making our managers enabled us to work in team and incorporating the best of suggestions for the task completion. This participative style adoption was ordered by leader using his autocratic powers. Hence, the manager enabled all employees including me to make decisions with responsibilities