Friday, December 27, 2019

Bullying Is Not For At Bully One - 1627 Words

Bullying is not called for at all.Kids bully one another to feel like they’re above one another.Bullying needs to be a law.The state and local lawmakers are being a law protect children and prevent bullying.Through the state’s code, there are many states that address bullying a different way. Bullying is in multiple laws,including the criminal code of the state that may only be applied to the juveniles.Out of 50 states there are only 34 states that has bullying set for a law.The states that doesn’t require bullying as a law is Alabama, Connecticut, Indiana, Hawaii, Michigan, and other states. There aren’t any federal laws that is addressing to bullying because bullying overlaps discrimination harassment which is based off of so many†¦show more content†¦This could be the only thing,to realize what they ve done. Bullying often isn’t taken seriously enough. It is very important not to allow things like this to happen in school.So, why havenâ €™t this been stopped? There are approximately 160,000 kids who decides to miss school because of their fear of being attacked by another class mates.For there to be so many kids who aren’t attending school why hasn’t there been a change.They can atleast be worried especially if it’s a continuous situation.There are 56% of the kids who has witnessed bullying and hasn’t said anything.Many kids today who will literally take out their phones and instead of stopping the chaos they decide to record it and put it on internet.why?Because they want to be cool, they don’t want to have nothing to do with it but if it was vise versa and if it was them,they would’ve want someone to stop and help them. Kids who watched bullies take action also need to be punished to because maybe,just maybe if they would have decided to make the right decision and stopped the bully;the kid probably wouldn’t have been,skipping school,or trying to commit suicide . The fact that bullies enjoy harassing other students and not knowing nor care about what’s really going on in their life and how their taking it.Nobody hasn’t said nothing to these kids about their actions so it makes them feel as if their stronger and more power;they can do

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Influence Of A Mother On A Child s Well Being And...

Much research has been done on the influence of a mother on a child’s well-being and development (Pougnet, Serbin, Stack, Schwartzman, 2011). However, research has shown that an engaged and loving father can contribute greatly to a child’s cognitive, social, and psychological development (Bronte-Tinkew, Carrano, Horowitz, Kinukawa, 2008; Duursma, Pan, Raikes, 2008; Pancsofar Vernon-Feagans, 2010; Wilson Prior, 2010). However, not just the mere presence of a father is enough to make a difference in a child’s development. Research has shown that a child’s development is affected by both the quantity and quality of father involvement (Wilson Prior, 2010). Being an involved father means not only investing economic resources into a child, but also time. Wilson and Prior (2010) found that high levels of father involvement was associated with significant and highly desirable children’s developmental outcomes. Similarly, Bronte-Tinkew, Carrano, Horowitz, and Kinukawa (2008) used data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study–Birth Cohort to investigate whether or not a fathers involvement would play role in infant cognitive outcomes. They found that high father involvement reduces the likelihood of infant cognitive delay. Further they found that this was especially true for male infants and infants with disabilities. Lastly, Vogel, Bradley, Raikes, Boller, and Shears (2006) conducted a study to explore whether or not a fathers presence in their children’sShow MoreRelatedFamily Structure, Father Involvement936 Words   |  4 PagesWith so much emphasis on the mother being in charge of the house and the kids, you would think mother involvement is enough for a child’s healthy development and good adolescent Behavioral Outcomes (if all the rest goes well/ â€Å"normal†). 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Since the 1970’s the average age of mothers giving birth to their first child increased from twenty-one to twenty-six years of age (Mathews Hamilton, 2016). In the past, the age of the mother and her situation in life influenced the educational opportunities available to her child. In contrast, society today does not expectRead MoreHuman Brain Development1231 Words   |  5 PagesChildren begin learning before they are even born. Some people may wonder how this is possible if the child hasn’t even taken its first breath yet, but it is true. Brain development begins in week four of their first trimester in the womb. This is important because the development helps a child learn and grow, effecting their future learning, education, and social skills. Brain development begins right in the womb and continues to flourish after birth. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Reason For Selection Of Nike Brand Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Reason For Selection Of Nike Brand. Answer: I have chosen Nike, a global brand in manufacturing sports shoe for company selection. The four reasons for it are as follows: The first reason for selection is the unique brand personality of the company. It is global leader in making performance apparel and shoes and the company has great appeal among worlds leading athletes. Considering the huge target market that Nike has covered, it would be interesting to study the strategies they took to build their brand. The evidence by Aaker, (2015) suggests that brand personality like Nike can enhance brand loyalty and brand-customer relationship. Another positive business attributes of Nike is that it has also focused on innovation and development of their products. The evidence by Childs Jin, (2018) suggest that instead of basking on the glory of their high rated products, they have focused a lot on research and development to constantly evolve and provide innovative product range to consumers. Product quality and innovation is the main reason for Nike to dominate the sportswear market. The third reason for selecting Nike is the success of the company in its marketing activities. It has a distinctive brand image and advertising slogans that attracts target audience and the marketing strategy is also centered around brand image (Childs Jin, 2018). Hence, studying Nikes marketing mix would be interesting to learn about ways to promote product in market. The company is going to dominate the sportswear range for a long time because it has gone international and started stores in China and Latin America. Establishing stores in untapped market after analyzing demand for athletic apparel is likely to provide great business opportunities to the company (Childs Jin, 2018). The study by Childs Jin, (2018) is the evidence that clearly presents the innovative journey and evolution of Nike as a global leader in athletic wear. Reference: Aaker, D. (2015). Brand personalities are like snowflakes.Marketing News,49, available at: Childs, M., Jin, B. (2018). Nike: An Innovation Journey. InProduct Innovation in the Global Fashion Industry(pp. 79-111). Palgrave Pivot, New York

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Interaction in Cultures and Civilizations

Introduction The globalization and decentralization of territories resulted in interactions between different societies in the world. Some of the major interactions recorded in history include the first and the second world wars, the cold war, the colonization of countries and the fight for independence among others.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Consequences of Interaction in Cultures and Civilizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These interactions are often characterized by exchanges in cultures and civilizations among the parties that interact. This paper seeks to discuss some of the exchanges that took place during some interactions. The paper will look at the consequences of these interactions. The conquest of Aztecs Aztecs were natives of the current Mexico. With its capital in Tenochtitlan, the Aztec was a well established empire that had conquered territories. The interaction between the Aztec and the Spaniards began as a missionary activity by the Spaniards to convert the Aztecs into Christianity. The Christian mission however did not bear much fruit due to language barrier. The Spaniards would shout to the Aztecs in the name of preaching, inconsiderate of the fact that the Aztecs never understood the Spanish language. Failure to repent on their knees led to the murder or slavery of the Aztecs (Tangen 1). The turn of events however started with the arrival of Hernando Cortes who established a Spanish colony in Mexico. Cortes challenged the Aztec empire in the year 1519 and seized the Aztec leader, Montezuma (Library 1). The Aztecs revolted against Cortes and defeated Cortes and his troops, an event that led to loss of many lives and valuable commodities following the collapse of a bridge as the rivals passed. Cortes however survived the incident, reorganized a troop and attacked Aztec again. He conquered the territory this time round and â€Å"destroyed the city† before building another one at the very same location (Tangen 1). The effects of the war included the loss of sovereignty of the Aztecs as the second attack by Cortes led to the defeat of the natives. The first war also led to loss of lives of both Aztecs and Spaniards as pass Way Bridge collapsed with people on it. The collapse of the bridge also caused loss of treasure of the Aztecs. The arrival of the Spaniards also brought with it diseases to the natives. The diseases like â€Å"small pox and measles† which were introduced by the arrival of the Spaniards killed about seventy five percent of the Aztecs. The war also led to the destruction of the Aztec city. The natives however acquired new species of domestic animals like â€Å"horse, sheep, cattle and pig†. The Spaniards also brought sugar together with consumable crops which they introduced to the natives. The Spaniards on the other hand acquired the territory (Tangen 1).Advertising Looking for essay on histo ry? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Missionaries (Religion) Missionary work is another aspect of the world history that left its effects felt by the receiving societies. Most of the areas visited by early missionaries still feel the impacts of the activities and the initiatives of the missionaries. Oregon country is one of the societies that experienced missionary work that started in the early periods of the nineteenth century. The missionary work was then followed by a range of immigration into the land. One of the impacts of the missionaries in Oregon was the successful establishment of white settlement in the territory. It is recorded that though the missionaries failed in their core duty of converting the natives, they managed the task of settlement. The long term effect of the settlement would be the loss of land by the natives to the settlers. Another impact of the mission was the establishment of schools in the Indian Terri tory. As was the custom of the missionary establishments, schools were built to help the natives learn how to read and write as well as to entice them into the faith (History 1). Another effect of the Oregon mission was the transmission of diseases from the visitors to the natives. The diseases had an adverse effect on the Indians and claimed a lot of lives. It is recorded that in the first year of the first established mission school, fifty percent of the registered students died of the infections and the rest fled, probably after falling ill or after being scared by the infections. A large number of the natives in the area died of the diseases brought by the visitors. The failed mission to convert the Indians led to the call for traders and farmers to come to Oregon to help in spearheading the work of the missionaries. The group came and was further followed by a massive immigration into Oregon. Another impact of the missionary work was the later establishment of a formal governme nt and towns in the country. After the missioners’ call for back up, the vast immigration followed and later led to the establishment governance. It was also the missionary work that led to the colonization of Oregon. In seeking protection for the American settlers, the lead missionary whose name was Lee changed from being a missioner to colonizing the land (History 1). Conclusion Exchange between cultures and civilization occurs when different societies come into contact. The societies more often interact in one way or another and a number of things are acquired by the different societies. The interactions always have impacts on either or both of the parties. The case of the interaction between the Spaniards and the Aztecs saw both negative and positive effects on both parties. The Oregon mission also benefited the missionaries in acquiring land for their people but also established schools that later benefited the natives.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Consequences of Interaction in Cultures and Civilizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Works Cited History. Jason Lee’s Mission to Oregon. Historic Oregon City, n.d. Web. Library. Aztecs: Conquest. Library Think Quest, n.d. Web. Tangen, Turid. The conquest of the Aztecs. Web Chron, 1997. Web. This essay on The Consequences of Interaction in Cultures and Civilizations was written and submitted by user Kylie Trujillo to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.