Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Leadership Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Leadership Assessment - Essay Example Leader’s focus remains on the people and importantly on ways to inspire them to face new challenges and to perform in any state of affairs. Not to panic at any rate is the most indispensable quality of a leader. Every leader has the quality of maintaining the confidence level up and to assure followers that the whole thing is going to be fine. To be humorous and comical with the employees is an additional great quality that differentiates some leaders from others. According to a study, females have more leadership capabilities than males. Traditionally leadership tasks were associated with men only but over a period of time women are increasingly getting involved in the leadership jobs (Eagly & Johannesen?Schmidt, 2001). LEADERSHIP STYLE There are many styles of the leaders which are being followed but three major leadership styles are commonly used in organizations. These common leadership styles are as follows (Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt, & Van Engen, 2003): Autocratic, also known as ‘authoritarian’ Participative also known as ‘democratic’ Delegative also known as ‘laissez-fair’ Authoritarian (Autocratic): Example of expression for the above style is, â€Å"I want both of you to. . ... . .† In this style, there is a leader and one or more employees are collectively involved in making of the decision (deciding what to do & how to do). This style is a mark of potency to work in a team and not a sign of weakness of leader. This authority is bring into play when knowledge or information of others employees can prove valuable contribution. By using this authority, a benefit of mutual understanding allows every other member of the organization to participate for the betterment of decisions (Sosik & Godshalk, 2000). Delegative (Laissez Faire): Example of expression for the above style is, , â€Å"You two take care of the problem while I go. . .† This style allows the employees to make their contribution and take decisions. The style is used when the employees have enough knowledge about the situation and know what to do and in what manner the work is to be done. Leader’s complete trust on the capability of employees and intentions to develop decision m aking capability in employees results in leader to adopt this style. Leaders increasingly use this style in the current professional world (Sosik & Godshalk, 2000). My manager in the current organization has adopted the combination of the three styles. The collective feature of all three defined style have had significant positive impact on my attitude towards works as well as entire organization. With participative decision making our managers enabled us to work in team and incorporating the best of suggestions for the task completion. This participative style adoption was ordered by leader using his autocratic powers. Hence, the manager enabled all employees including me to make decisions with responsibilities

Monday, October 28, 2019

What Excatly Do Evaluators Look for in a Group Discussion Essay Example for Free

What Excatly Do Evaluators Look for in a Group Discussion Essay A group discussion or GD, is a form of many-on-many discussion. It has become an inseparable part of admissions to management institutes and your selection in campus interviews. A GD is held to identify certain traits that companies and institutes like to see in their employees or students. Lets take a look at the traits which the evaluators look out for in a candidate during the GD. Knowledge: Whatever you do in a GD, your knowledge about the subject cant be replaced by anything else. You are required to talk in a GD but inputs that dont contain any substantial value will not help in any way. Be a voracious reader to increase your knowledge on various subjects. Newspapers, TV, magazines, news portals etc are great sources of knowledge. Alertness and presence of mind: In a GD you are required to carefully listen to the other persons thoughts and keep an argument, example or a supportive statement, fact, example ready to participate in the discussion. Here comes into picture your alertness and ability to think and act immediately. As you participate in a GD, make sure that you sit with an attentive mind and keep taking down the relevant points put forward by others. Communication: You may have a lot of good points to put across but if you cant communicate them clearly, you wont stand a chance when it comes to impressing the evaluators. Practice communicating in a clear and effective way with your friends, family or study group. Confidence: Your self confidence adds a lot of value to your candidature. Look at every group member as you speak, avoid too much hand movement and looking at evaluators. Leadership and team skills: Your participation in a GD clearly establishes not only your leadership skills but also your capability to work in a team. To meet the objectives, a good leader has to be a team player. Goal orientation: Since so many people participate in a GD, the chances of the discussion moving away from the subject are high. Your focus on the goal can get you some extra points. Now, as you are being evaluated for the above discussed traits, you must avoid things that can work to your disadvantage and might cost you the selection. Here are some things that you must avoid doing as a GD participant: Initiating the discussion without proper subject knowledge Although initiating the discussion helps you get the immediate attention of the evaluators, sharing irrelevant details just for teh sake of talking can work to your disadvantage. Start first only if you know the subject well otherwise wait for others to start and get a feel of the subject before entering into the discussion. Snatching anothers chance to speak Give your group members a chance to speak. Talking more wont get you through the GD. In fact it will give the evaluators a feeling that you are not a team player. Making short and relevant contributions of 20-30 seconds 3-4 times in the discussion is enough. Interrupting others Let the other person finish his comment before you speak. Interrupting someone is counted as a negative trait. Remember, it is a discussion not a debate. Dont jump at the conclusions. Listen carefully to the other person before putting your point across. Dialogue In a GD you are expected to communicate with all the members of the group. Do not keep looking at one person while talking. Establish eye contact with all the members of the group. It is a many-on-many discussion not one-on-one. Shouting or dominating Keep you emotions in check. Do not try to dominate the others or let your emotions rule you. Sometimes it might happen that a group member might say something that hurts your feelings such as a comment on your race or religion, make sure that you do not get into an argument. Your focus should be to effectively meet the goals of GD topic. Showing off You have to put across your knowledge on the subject during the GD but you have to be very careful about the thin demarcation between showing off and knowledge sharing. For eg, using statistics and facts during the GD is a good thing to do but you must not overdo it enough to nauseate the group members. Low self confidence or insecurities As we have seen earlier, one of the traits evaluated during a GD is your self confidence. Do not hesitate to speak confidently, even if you might be short of ideas or knowledge on the subject. Listen to others and put across your thoughts in a clear and audible voice. Make sure that you make eye contact with all the group members. Slang and negative gestures GD is a formal discussion. Avoid informal words and negative gestures. For e.g. avoid words like gonna, wanna, ya etc. Similarly avoid gestures like pointing fingers, tapping the desk with the pen. If you ensure that you do not commit these mistakes during the GD, you will not have to worry too much about the negative marks and your chances of getting through it also become much brighter.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cry, the Beloved Country, by Alan Paton :: Cry, The Beloved Country Essays

The novel â€Å"Cry the Beloved Country† is based on the true-life story of South African apartheid, and the native’s struggle for equality. During the book, Stephen Kumalo goes on a journey to find his sister, and his son, for they have left the tribal land of KwaZulu-Natal a long time ago, and neither Kumalo nor his wife have heard of the whereabouts of either family members. As he goes on his journey, the things that he sees, and experiences tell the much greater story of Apartheid in South Africa.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Kumalo arrives in the city, he is in the midst of the poverty and confusion that is the great city of Johannesburg where people from all the native tribes go to find jobs, money, and housing among other things. He sees everything that is going on around him, all the oppression that his people have to go through, and the way they are treated. When he went and found his sister, she was living in horrible conditions, and this really was the way that most black people lived. They had their own part of the city, with their own schools, and their own busses, because the apartheid issue was so strong. By going along with Kumalo we, the reader, see how harsh everyday life is for the natives of South Africa. While Kumalo was on his journey, he passed through the shantytowns where only black South Africans lived, and the busses that they were striking against. We see how difficult it is to go through everyday life as a black person, and how hard it is to get from place to place if you do not know all the right people. This is the way that true South African life was for most people who lived there. It was not a good situation for anyone to be in. There was much disease being spread throughout, and in the awfully crowded living conditions it was hard to escape it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another example of the apartheid that was shown through Kumalo’s journey was the example of the bus strike. None of the natives agreed to take the bus for as long as they would have to pay outrageous rates.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Eating Breakfast in Relation to Classroom Behavior Essay

Abstract Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day because it is how your body cope with the eight hours of fast during your sleep it also boost our energy to do your task the entire day and a good meal in the morning can also help to regulate your blood sugar levels through lunch time, which plays a vital role in your mood. This study will provide the explanation on the importance of eating breakfast for the sophomore psychology students. We provided survey for the students to gather data on who are eating breakfast in the morning and those who do not eat breakfast before school. Our survey included questions that will identify the academic performance and participation of students before lunch break. In gathering data, the method that we used in this research is cluster sampling in which the entire population is divided into groups. All observations in the selected clusters are included in the sample. There are 31 Sophomore Psychology Students of 2A, 32 Sophomore Psychology Students of 2B and 36 sophomore psychology Students of 2C. Those who ate breakfast have more energy, do better in school, and eat healthier throughout the day than those who do not eat breakfast before going to school tend to feel anxious, has low attention span and poor classroom participation. We can say that eating breakfast has an implication student’s classroom behavior withouteating breakfast, people can get irritable, restless, and tired. Keywords: breakfast, behaviour, classroom, students, participation Introduction In this study we aim to determine the implication of a full meal breakfast to a student’s emotional and behavioral problems. Let us define the importance of breakfast. A healthy breakfast refuels our body and helps us function at our peak. Research shows that eating a healthy breakfast improves attention, concentration, academic achievement and physical energy. In Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, physiological need is the most basic and vital for survival. This includes the need for food, water, air and sleep. Maslow believes that these needs are the most basic instinctive need in order for one to perform his/her daily activities. In line with this theory is the theory of John B. Watson, a theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. Behaviorists believe that our responses to environmental stimuli shapes our behaviors and in relation to VARK’s learning theory or Fleming’s model learners are identified by whether they have a preference for visual learning (pictures, movies, diagrams), auditory learning (music, discussion, lectures), reading and writing (making lists, reading textbooks, taking notes), or kinesthetic learning (movement, experiments, hands-on activities). After gathering all the information’s that the researchers need they will then come up with a survey which will be given to the sophomore psychology students for tabulation. The result will be the basis on the significance of having a full meal breakfast on a student’s behavior and emotions. Materials and Method The Eating Breakfast to Classroom Survey Questionnaires was used in this research. The testing packages that contain the survey were also distributed. The questionnaire consisted of two parts. Part A consisted of questions 1-3 regarding whether individuals eat breakfast or not and if they do, and how often they eat and what does it consist of you will see the number 5 question. The part B contained 6 questions asking the student to rate their behavior in classroom using the scale of (1-5) as 1 is the highest and 5 is the lowest. Some questions had to do with attention and alertness in class, mood in class, participation, and concentration, test-taking in class. Method was used in this research is cluster sampling in which the entire population is divided into groups. All observations in the selected clusters are included in the sample. There are 31 Sophomore Psychology Students of 2A, 32 Sophomore Psychology Students of 2B and 36 Sophomore Psychology Students of 2C. Upon arrival at the testing classroom the researcher asked for the professor if they can conduct a survey. Once the professor let the researcher conduct a survey the participants were then give a survey test. Then researcher will simply told students to read each set of instructions for each section of the survey, then researcher instructed them to begin unless the had further questions. Once the students are finish, the survey packages were collected from the participants. The participants were also thanked and the professor for taking a time for the study. Results and Discussion The results showed that there was a significant difference of eating breakfast in relation to the classroom behavior of students who ate breakfast than those students who do not have eaten their morning meal. Table 1: Gender of the Respondents Gender Male Percentage Female Percentage Psych 2A Psych 2B Psych 2C 6 8 8 27. 27% 36. 36% 36. 36% 24 25 28 31. 17%32. 47% 36. 36% Total: 22 77. The sophomore psychology male student has a total of 22 and for the female is 77 in which there a more female sophomore psychology students than male students in sophomore psychology. Table 2: Living Condition of Sophomore Psychology Students Living Condition Dorm Parent’s House Psych 2A Psych 2B Psych 2C 5 3 8 27 28 28 Total: 16 83 In terms in their living condition most of all sophomore psychology students live with their parent’s house with a total of 83 and the other students live in a dorm with total of 16. Table 3: Total and Average of Eat Breakfast and Do Not Eat Breakfast Respondents Yes Percentage No Percentage Psych 2A Psych 2B Psych 2C 23 25 28 30. 26% 32. 89% 36. 84% 8 7 8 34. 78% 30. 43% 34. 78% Total: 76 23 Average: 0. 76 0. 23 Base on the table above most sophomore psychology students eat breakfast with a total of 76 and a total average of 0. 76 and those that do not eat has a total of 23 with a total average of 0. 23. Table 4: Parents Providing Healthy Breakfast in Family Respondents Yes Percentage No Percentage Psych 2A Psych 2B Psych 2C 26 26 33 30. 59%. 30. 59% 38. 82% 5 6 3 35. 71% 42. 86% 21. 43% Total: 85 14 Base on the table above most parents provide and healthy breakfast in the family with a result of 85 yes and other parents did not provide or being not with parent’s house that live in dorm with a result of 14. Table 5: Average Behavior of Respondents in the Classroom with Breakfast 1 2 3 4 5 1. How alert do you feel in your class before lunch? 8 29 39 22 1 2. How often do you participate in your classes before lunch? 7 31 43 17 1 3. How is your attention span in class before lunch? 4 33 41 20 1 4. How hard do you find it to concentrate in morning class? 13 72 12 2 0 5. How is your mood in morning class? 7 22 57 12 1 6. During tests, how nervous do you experience in morning class? 22 39 27 10 1 Total Average: 0. 81 2. 28 2. 21 0. 83 0. 05 The total average of scale 1-5 to the table 5 which has a breakfast of 1. 30 as the above is the higher and no breakfast of 1. 30 below which is lower. That in scale 1-3 is significant that sophomore students eat breakfast have more alertness, participation, attention span, concentration, mood, and test-taking with a result of 1 which is 0. 81, 2 is 2. 28 then 3 is 2. 21 than those who do not eat breakfast in scale of 4 which is 0. 83 and 5 is 0. 05. Eating breakfast is the important to our lifestyle as a student. The findings that most of all sophomore students live with parent’s house and the other on a dorm. Eating breakfast has a relation to the behavior of students in a class. A study conducted by Harvard researchers found that students who ate breakfast were significantly more attentive in the classroom, earned higher grades in math, and had significantly fewer behavioral and emotional problems. In a study examined the breakfast eating habits of 1,259 college students over an eleven year period to determine if eating breakfast had an impact upon their grade on a General Biology exam. The study determined that there was a significant difference in the performance on the exam with a higher percent of the participants, who had eaten breakfast passing the exam. The study found that only 65. 6 percent of the students participating in the study had eaten breakfast. This finding supports the results of several other studies that people of college age show an increase in the percent skipping breakfast over individual of a younger age. (Kleinman. 1998) This study contributes to the body knowledge of health and school psychology. Every bit of the data that gain will helps further our understanding of the influence of breakfast. The more information collected through research, the more specific and representative the results. In future, there will probably be much more detailed knowledge of this topic. Researchers will hopefully go further to test whether eating breakfast can have even more of a relation to behavior on people live besides just in school performance. (Phillips. 2005) Conclusion. Although this study is not yet establish it may suggest a trend in colleges in general. In an unreferenced studies have provided sample evidence that school student’s behavior and performance levels are affected by eating breakfast. Still other research has investigated the level of concentration in class is affecting performance of college students. The implication of this study is that eating breakfast is important to students that are learning in everyday to achieve a high score in academic purposes and have a healthy living. Acknowledgement The success of this study required the help of various individuals. The researchers would like to give our gratitude to the following people for their help and support. Without them, the researchers might not meet their objectives in doing this study. To our parents, for giving the support and encouragement to pursue our study. For giving us love and patience. To our classmates Angelica Rentero and Grace Anne Salvio, for giving us access to thepsychologysophomore students of Centro Escolar University Makati. To our dearest professor Mrs. Angelina Villanueva, for helping us to have a good and better title for our work and for guiding us always. To our friends students, for giving their little time to help us for our survey. And lastly, to all the people who helped and contributed great ideas and advices, especially classmates and close friends for without them, this study would not be possible. Recommendation Eating breakfast can affect the behavior and performance of students in morning class. The critique, suggestions, and recommendations offered in the preceding content, therefore, are intended to improve the capabilities of the study to carry out the important mandate of the Eating Breakfast in Relation to Classroom Behavior of Sophomore Psychology Students. This journal research highlights the panel’s key conclusions and recommendations resulting from its review organized by parts. Literature Cited: Kleinman, R. (1998 March). New Harvard research shows school breakfast program may improve children’s behavior and performance. KidSource Online. Available at: http://www. kidsource. com/kidsource/content4/breakfast. html Phillips, Gregory W. , Does Eating Breakfast Affect the Performance of College Students on Biology Exams? , Bioscene: Journal of College Biology Teaching, v30 n4 p15-19 Dec 2005. 5 pp.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

In her novel Charlotte Bronte details and develops the life and experiences of narrator and main character William Crimsworth

In her novel The Professor, author Charlotte Bronte details and develops the life and experiences of narrator and main character William Crimsworth. After graduating from Eton College in England, Crimsworth is in need of an occupation. He stubbornly refuses offers from his uncles, and consequently finds himself with no other choice than to work for his tyrannical brother in the menial position of clerk. However, his conditions soon become unbearable, and through an acquaintance's recommendation, William secures himself employment as a professor at a boys' school in Brussels. William's arrival in Belgium presents him with new opportunities both professionally and personally, as he almost immediately meets two women who are to change his existence dramatically: Zoraide Reuter and Frances Henri. Bronte creates and emphasizes many differences and similarities between these two women using various techniques and methods, which primarily include comparison and contrast. Zoraide and Frances each have their own significant and individual role in the life of and interaction with William Crimsworth. Each woman possesses different kinds of physical and mental attributes, comes from a unique background, and enters into and affects his life in a contrasting way. These differences, along with a few similarities, are explored through the author's use of imagery and irony. Initially, Zoraide and Frances become involved in Crimsworth's life in completely dissimilar ways. These conditions reflect a hint of irony, as their initial roles are complete reversals of their ultimate functions. Zoraide and William's initial encounter is one that has been arranged by her mother, who has offered him a teaching position at the girls' school over which Zoraide presides as directress. Thus, Zoraide appears suddenly and pronouncedly; the importance of her and Crimsworth's interactions, and her influence upon his life and work are immediately made evident. Their relationship is established as one in which she is his superior both in position and in age. However, a romantic possibility is also suggested in the scene containing their introduction. While walking together in her garden, William implicitly compares Mdlle. Reuter's form to the â€Å"well-trimmed beds and budding shrubberies† of her garden, and her complexion to â€Å"the bloom on a good apple† (108). William and Zoraide's affections are further developed in this natural setting, as the majority of their romantic interactions take place in her garden, a sort of forbidden Garden of Eden into which she allows him access. The nature and plant imagery that pervades his descriptions is continued throughout the novel and is also used in portrayals of the other primarily influential character in his life: Mdlle. Frances Henri. As opposed to the entrance of Mdlle. Reuter, Frances arrives in William's life quietly and without notice as a sewing teacher of whom he has previously observed but never taken notice. This condition is made evident in his statement, â€Å"A†¦ maitresse I sometimes saw†¦ but of her I never had a more than passing glimpse†¦ I had no opportunity of studying her character or†¦ observing her person† (132-133). Her important and influential role develops gradually throughout the subsequent months. She later becomes one of his pupils, thus establishing their relationship as one in which William is the superior: he is the authoritarian teacher and she the submissive student. However, as her intellect and admirable nature soon become apparent, Crimsworth's regard and affection for her grow and develop. In response to his newly displayed attentions and consideration, Frances â€Å"blossoms† both physically and mentally. This nurturing relationship is manifested in the metaphor that compares her to a plant and Crimsworth to its caring gardener (176). In yet another nature-related metaphor, she is compared to a â€Å"lost jewel†¦ nestling in the mossy and mouldy roots of yew-trees† (194). Crimsworth's many descriptions of each woman play an integral role in the development of both their physical features and mental attributes. Although plant and floral imagery is used in the portrayals of both women, there are metaphors drawn between other natural elements that highlight the differences between them. An aspect of descriptive imagery in which the two women differ completely, is that of fire and temperature. Zoraide is constantly being related to coldness and ice; her gaze is described as â€Å"hard, dark,† her eye as glittering with â€Å"nothing of a flame ever kindled in its temperate gleam† (180,183). Furthermore, as William becomes further acquainted with Mdlle. Reuter, she essentially â€Å"withers† as her true nature is discovered. This condition is made evident when she and Crimsworth return to the bench in her garden, once a place of affection and fascination for him, which has now been transformed into a location of cold, emotional emptiness, due to his discovery of her real character (181-185). Zoraide's true nature is a manipulative one, which is exhibited and manifested several times in the course of the novel through her actions. For example, upon realizing that she has lost Crimsworth's regard (due to her own manipulations and dishonesty), Zoraide immediately results to underhanded methods in an attempt to regain his affection. She uses false flattery of William, and criticism and condescension of Frances hidden under a guise of concern in order to elevate her own status and appearance ( ). In contrast, Frances is constantly being associated with warmth and fire; her eye is portrayed as clear and light, her countenance as bright and warm, â€Å"glowing in the animated flush†¦ shining in the expansive light [of] the summer sun flashing out†¦ urning almost like fire† (195). Mdlle. Henri is likened to fire, light, and warmth over and over again throughout the novel, as the â€Å"silent possessor of†¦ a flame†¦ of passion† (196). As a further testimony to the importance of their association, without Crimsworth, she has grown â€Å"wasted and pale,† her blaze â€Å"humble[d]†¦ to embers† (195, 196). This imagery further reiterates the appropriateness of her and Crimsworth's relationship, as he himself is often described as the possessor of an inward fire, his heart burning and â€Å"hot within [him]† (181). Such interactions and descriptions develop the nature and character of the principal relationships of the work. As far as character is concerned, Mdlle. Reuter and Mdlle. Henri have defining character traits that are quite opposite from one another. The true nature of each woman is made evident as the novel progresses and their respective relationships with William develop. The expression of these internal characteristics, in turn, contributes to Crimsworth's desire for each woman. Although it is Zoraide to who he is initially attracted, her inconsistencies and shallow nature result in a short and meaningless romance. Her presence is aggressive and noticeable; she makes her romantic feelings for Crimsworth obvious, and then engages in psychological and emotional â€Å"games† with him. They participate in an almost â€Å"cat and mouse† relationship, with each individual constantly trying to gain the upper hand and outsmart the other. William's affections for and infatuation with her are short-lived as a result of her deceitful character and lack of integrity. Frances, on the other hand, possesses much more dignity and humility than Zoraide, and never engages in deceitful and base actions. She maintains a quiet and demure, almost unnoticeable existence. Her feelings for William are not discovered until much later in the novel, and are not revealed as a result of her actions but are rather made known through his own pursuits. The more lasting and true love is formed with Frances, who is the possessor of redeeming and admirable qualities-she is the embodiment of all that composes a truly â€Å"good† individual. These characteristics form the kind of foundation upon which a steady and real love can be based, and thus, it is this relationship that develops harmoniously and remains intact throughout the novel. Her love and compassion ensure the marriage just as Mdlle. Reuter's dishonesty and selfishness ensure her downfall. Another note of irony enters the novel here, as it is Mdlle. Reuter who has had a more formal and proper upbringing, while Mdlle. Henri was raised in virtual poverty and want, with almost no formal education. Thus, it should be Zoraide who is the possessor of these more â€Å"lady-like† qualities. This difference in background and its end result further reflects the contrasts in the inherent nature of each woman, elevating the reader's view Frances and reducing that of Zoraide. In the final chapters of The Professor, Frances finds herself in the position of directress of a school that she and William have founded and thus maintains the same occupation as Mdlle. Zoraide. This condition serves to heighten both the similarities and contrasts of the two women. Bronte characterizes and explores the two primary women characters of Zoraide Reuter and Frances Henri in her work The Professor through the use of comparison and contrast. These two individuals are defined through their relationship with the narrator and main character, William Crimsworth. These interactions are developed through the revelation of certain characteristics and information that pertain specifically to each woman. In turn, imagery and irony develop and add depth to these qualities, which include physical and mental attributes, background and history, and intrinsic disposition and nature. Without the skillful use of these devices, the characters in the novel would not appear so realistic and possess such a great degree of depth and complexity.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Declaw Debate essays

Declaw Debate essays The domestic cat has a history unlike most other domestic species, and one that is also comparatively recent. Whereas dogs have been domesticated for at least 10,000 years, cats have only been domesticated for around 5,000 years (Beadle 66). Juliet Clutton-Brock describes the cat as an exploiting captive and a carnivore that enjoys the company of man. Unlike the dog, a manmade species, or a captive animal domesticated for utilitarian purposes, like the elephant, the cat has been said to have domesticated itself (Bradshaw 6). Domestication probably began around 4000 BC, as remains of ancient cats Felis silvestris and Felis chaus were found in the Egyptian tombs of the period. The first tangible evidence of the domestic status cat comes from ancient Egyptian paintings and sculptures dating back to 1600 BC, in which cats are shown eating and hunting with man (Bradshaw 6). From about 1450 BCE onwards, images of cats in domestic settings became increasingly common in Theban tombs, and it is likely that these animals were fully domesticated. The cats are usually illustrated sitting, often tethered, under the chairs of the tomb owners wives, where they are shown eating fish, gnawing bones, or playing with other household pets (Bateson 182). Theories of domestication are varied, but it is known that the economy of Egypt at the time was based primarily on grain, and cats with their ability to control outbreaks of mice and rats, must have earned at least some encouragement from the people (Bradshaw 6). In this way, cats began to be tolerated and then encouraged around the Egyptians granaries and homes, establishing populations of urban cats that some theorize began to become more and more dependent on humans for food and shelter (Bateson 182). Others insist that the encouragement from Egyptians resulted only in a commensal relationship, at which cats began to domesticate themselves (Bra...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Drama Of Ancient Greece

The Greek dramatists have bequeathed immensely to the current mode of modern Western literature. Shakespeare and his contemporaries revered them for their distinct and explicit language, their dramatic scenes, and their extravagant processions. The language of their stories has connoted itself into both, the Western dialect and Western literature in general. The establishment of Ancient Greek culture that has left the most immutable impression on our current world is the myth. The many mortal heroes who are seen throughout the extensive deployment of myths are accompanied by the ostentatious and mighty immortals, led by Zeus in the palace on Mount Olympus. Their structural case is not restricted to storytelling. Most of Greek comedy and tragedy is contingent on a working knowledge of all of the following ancient myths. Aeolus was the keeper and god of the winds. After Zeus triumphed over the Titans, who were an earlier race of gods, he assigned his brothers, sisters, and relatives ta sks in the realm of Mount Olympus. The winds needed to be contained and looked after, so that they wouldn’t destroy the earth. Hera put forward Aeolus, because she was impressed with his steadfast nature. Aeolus was sent to an island named Aeolia, beneath which ran four deep passages in which the north, south, east, and west winds were locked up, to escape only when Aeolus or another god deemed it necessary. Aphrodite, who is one of the best-known goddesses in our modern culture, was the goddess of love. Born of the foam of the sea, she came to symbolize passion and lust. She is a primary model of the anthropoid temperament of the Olympian gods, being inclined to fits of pride and temper and drawn to trouble making. Although given in marriage to Hephaestus by Zeus, she was well known for her liaisons with other gods and even mortals. Her son, Eros, inherited both, her mischievous nature and her iconography. Apollo was the god of light, the intellect, the a... Free Essays on Drama Of Ancient Greece Free Essays on Drama Of Ancient Greece The Greek dramatists have bequeathed immensely to the current mode of modern Western literature. Shakespeare and his contemporaries revered them for their distinct and explicit language, their dramatic scenes, and their extravagant processions. The language of their stories has connoted itself into both, the Western dialect and Western literature in general. The establishment of Ancient Greek culture that has left the most immutable impression on our current world is the myth. The many mortal heroes who are seen throughout the extensive deployment of myths are accompanied by the ostentatious and mighty immortals, led by Zeus in the palace on Mount Olympus. Their structural case is not restricted to storytelling. Most of Greek comedy and tragedy is contingent on a working knowledge of all of the following ancient myths. Aeolus was the keeper and god of the winds. After Zeus triumphed over the Titans, who were an earlier race of gods, he assigned his brothers, sisters, and relatives ta sks in the realm of Mount Olympus. The winds needed to be contained and looked after, so that they wouldn’t destroy the earth. Hera put forward Aeolus, because she was impressed with his steadfast nature. Aeolus was sent to an island named Aeolia, beneath which ran four deep passages in which the north, south, east, and west winds were locked up, to escape only when Aeolus or another god deemed it necessary. Aphrodite, who is one of the best-known goddesses in our modern culture, was the goddess of love. Born of the foam of the sea, she came to symbolize passion and lust. She is a primary model of the anthropoid temperament of the Olympian gods, being inclined to fits of pride and temper and drawn to trouble making. Although given in marriage to Hephaestus by Zeus, she was well known for her liaisons with other gods and even mortals. Her son, Eros, inherited both, her mischievous nature and her iconography. Apollo was the god of light, the intellect, the a...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Efforting to Remain Calm

Efforting to Remain Calm Efforting to Remain Calm Efforting to Remain Calm By Maeve Maddox I have a reader to thank (to blame?) for telling me about a coinage that is new to me. It may have begun with television announcers, but it’s spreading. Since I began looking for it, I’ve even found it in a book on sociology published by W.W. Norton. The word is efforting. Here are some examples of its use by television announcers: We are efforting to restore the signal from Fort Hood. We are efforting her report. Brian Williams, NBC we are efforting, trying to get a reaction from Georgia’s President. Tony Harris, CNN we are efforting to get an interview with General Tommy Franks Here it is in some Web headlines: Rugby Canada/USA Rugby efforting to get second half on EPN July 11 Solution efforting seems to fall in a gap between teams Strong Efforting Team to Avoid Letdown Group efforting signatures to repeal transgender law The genius of English word formation is responsible for keeping the language supplied with new words for new ideas, and I rejoice in it. But I have to admit that I cannot see what new idea this strange new verb expresses. It seems to me that one would try to restore a signal. Couldn’t one attempt to get an interview with someone? Before verbing the noun effort, consider whether one of the following might serve your purpose: attempt endeavor exert oneself make an effort try strive venture work at Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Direct and Indirect Objects8 Types of Parenthetical PhrasesComment, Suggestion, and Feedback

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Philosophy Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Philosophy Class - Essay Example Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a remarkable personality in philosophical field. His contributions are praise worthy so far as philosophical approach is concerned. He also produced a monumental masterpiece in philosophical arena named THE SOCIAL CONTRACT. This is, in fact, a treatise on Principles of Political Right. He started this book with famous words â€Å"Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains; One thinks himself the master of others, and still remains a greater slave than they† (Rousseau et al. 1). Within no time, this volume marked its existence as the most significant exertion of political values in the western practice. Further, he has also made an endeavor to theorize about the ways and means to set up a political community when commercial society is at variance with it. In this pretext, he asserted that in the inception man was without morals and laws. There was an unruly public. People left this wayward society for the necessity of cooperation. According to him, if man joins together and develops a bond of community and forgets claims of natural right, he can preserve himself as well as remain free whereas in primitive society state of nature mad man prone to frequent competition by his fellow beings. In this way their freedom, liberty and safety is at stake. His deeply believed that direct rule of the people as a whole in lawmaking can ensure liberty so, citizens must evolve code of conduct collectively, for their survival and liberty. These rules may perhaps be altered at afterward occasions if need be. He categorically asserts that a citizen is fundamental individual in making a general will a popular sovereignty. To achieve popular sovereignty which is rule of law in actuality, he must put aside his egoist temperament which he has by birth and by nature and think of collective benefit and survival. Moreover, his egoism would

Easy Jet's strategy in action-Strategic management undergaraduate Essay

Easy Jet's strategy in action-Strategic management undergaraduate - Essay Example These companies then ran almost scraped ships, and so on. On the other hand, EasyJet applies an efficient, cost-effective strategy that spreads in all racks of its management operations, that is, from boardroom to cockpit. Though being a large-scale airline operator that manages busy routes with modern aircraft, EasyJet is still low-cost company that has boomed in the market in a very short time. For the customers the EasyJet offers a safe, friendly airline that is, all the more, efficient for very low fare prices. With the growth of the company’s assets (its moving from a private venture to a public company, for example), has alerted other brands in the airline industry and a very intense air of competition is what can be seen soaring the European airline industry. As such other such giants as the British Airways and Ryanair are coming up with more solid strategies as well that give EasyJet a hard time as the â€Å"British Airways implementation of a low-cost strategy on its European network has put easyjet under pressure from a "full-service" airline on one side and Ryanair, the "no-service" airline, on the other† ( As such it is a challenge for the EasyJet to be in the market with the similar nature of being a low-cost no frills airline that is growing by the day and also on the constantly upward-moving curve of high profits, monopoly of its own modern kind, goodwill among the customer for safe and secure airline service, and most of all of being a low-cost, high-quality operator in Europe and elsewhere. In this regard, we can see that EasyJet is coming heavy as the company merger with GO airline is a milestone and it was analysed that â€Å"EasyJet/Go would become a bigger player overnight through its merger† ( Thus, in the following part of the paper, it seems wise to look

Friday, October 18, 2019

Children's Literature - instruction through delight Essay

Children's Literature - instruction through delight - Essay Example And hope that they’d tell their parents†¦which is what happened† (In Beckett, 2008:118). Interestingly, in the UK, Northern Lights was marketed for children however it was marketed for both adult and child markets in the US. It was only when the book received outstanding reviews in the US that it attracted adult readership in the UK. As a result â€Å"many critics feel that Pullman’s work can lay better claim to the crossover label because it is much more sophisticated, complex and multi-layered† (Beckett, 2008:117). Moreover, in considering the crossover phenomenon, a British journalist in 1999 commented that â€Å"the real barrier to overcome is not one of the possibilities of the genre but the judges reluctance to value something that could also be valued by a child, believing that if a child could like it, it must be childish for an adult to like it† (In Beckett: 2008:118). To this end, Pullman’s books clearly challenged orthodox attitudes towards children and adult fiction and further forced the literary establishment to acknowledge that â€Å"books published for children are literary works worthy of attention of adults† (In Beckett, 2008:119). However, in turn, this changing shape of children’s literature has fuelled academic debate as to whether Pullman’s dystopian work can correctly be viewed as a children’s book as it confounds the archetypal format of children’s literature that focus on fairytales, utopian ideals and happy endings (Silvey, 2002: 341). Appurtenant to this debate is the contention as to whether the growing phenomenon of such crossover fiction is anti-educational as a result of the instruction through delight paradigm. The focus of this paper is to critically evaluate this debate with contextual reference to Pullman’s â€Å"Northern Lights†, which is the first book in the Dark Materials Trilogy. It is

Based on what state you choose Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Based on what state you choose - Essay Example The day age view states that the biblical days were much longer that mere 24 hours common humans believe. The restoration viewpoint states that there was a gap between the first and second chapters of genesis and this is enough proof that days were more than 24 hours (Boyd & Eddy, 2002). Finally, the literally framework view which according to creationists the author of genesis never intended to talk about God’s creation only wanted to elaborate on monotheism. The essay will relay more information on the day age viewpoint of creation in addition to its refutation. The day age viewpoint has a number of questions that are yet to find a solid solution; this is concerning how the day period differences during the Biblical age and the present. Presently, a day is represented by 24 hours but this is not the case during the Biblical years. In Genesis 1, the word yom is used to as a reference to day. In Hebrew, yom has three different meanings, which are day light period, normal 24-hour duration and an indefinite period (Hankins, 2008). According to Hankins, God’s creation could have taken much more time than the mere six days that humans believe. There is enough evidence in the Bible that God’s days were much longer than the common 24 hour-days those human beings are used to. For instance, in the scriptures, Adam was asked to name all the animals in the Garden of Eden. The garden had about 12000 animals but the scripture says that Adam named the animals one day (Boyd & Eddy, 2002). Suppose Adam spent at least five minutes naming each animal, by the end of 24 hours he would have named only 288 animals, but since he named more than 12000 species of animals in single day is enough proof that God’s days were longer compared to human’s days that only take 24 hours. By reading the Bible scriptures, it is evident that God’s days were longer. For instance, psalms 90 states that, â€Å"†¦a thousand years in your

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Death penalty should be abolished Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Death penalty should be abolished - Essay Example A punishment, which was put into effect in 1500 in England, was opposed by many academics in 1750. These academics included Cesare Beccaria who was the Italian jurist; Voltaire who was the French philosopher; and, Jeremy Bentham and Samuel Romilly, who were the English law reformers. They presented the argument that death penalty was the cruel form of punishing the criminals, and it is most often applied on innocent people. However, there are many counter-arguments that support the death penalty. This paper intends to juxtapose the arguments and counter-arguments regarding death penalty; and, support the statement that capital punishment or death penalty is cruel, and should be abolished. Ethics do not allow a government to take lives of its nationals. There is good number of chances that innocent lives will be put to death under this punishment, and there can be no compensation for this. It is possible that capital punishment converts to manslaughter by killing someone convicted of murder, when the murderer says that it was not murder but an inadvertent killing, such as killing in self-defense. An example is the open and shut case of James McNicol, who was put to death in December 1945. Although James did not oppose the conviction of murder; yet, after his death, Elaine Merrilees, his niece discovered that he was only guilty of manslaughter and not murder. Hence, death penalty can be understood as a violation of human or civil rights. Wrongful conviction also includes cases where people make false confessions. Such people are innocent in actual, and are penalized to death. Whether the court announces death penalty for a convict or not depends less on the criminal act and the evidences, and more on the skill of the lawyers, the financial status of the criminal, the socio-economic status, and the race and color. These factors result into biased decisions from the court, resulting in either making the real criminal escape the punishment or enforcing death penalty on to some other innocent person. This makes the whole system of death penalty illogical and heinous. However, it cannot be stated as a final decision that murderers should be given relaxation in punishment, which makes the debate of adopting or banning the capital punishment all the more daunting. Death penalty has deepened its roots strongly in many countries, and the victims are often Hispanics and the minorities, who are killed due to racial discrimination. It would have been somewhat acceptable if the punishment was for everyone, regardless of what race, color, or ethnic group the murderer belonged to, but since most of the times racial biases come across, the situation gets worse. This also becomes the cause for hatred between different ethnic groups, and may give rise to riots and a long sequence of killings based on racial differences. Marquart, Ekland-Olson and Sorensen (86) affirm that: Rather than systematically sentencing younger minorities to death, murderers of all ra cial categories who received death tended to be younger than the larger pool of imprisoned convicted murderers- although the difference in age between Hispanics sentenced to death or those imprisoned was not statistically significant. The family of the one who is being put to capital punishment suffers very badly. Negative impacts are inflicted on their innocent minds because they have to come to terms not only with the sentence of their loved one but also with his death, and that too so cruelly. Therefore, the agony of

Sustainable hospital and the healing process Annotated Bibliography

Sustainable hospital and the healing process - Annotated Bibliography Example One of the strength of the motivating programs is that its’ automation makes it easier to identify individual merits and reward them accordingly. Compliments and other recognitions should be posted there to motivate them. Communication with employees from wherever they are makes them feel part of the company as they feel more appreciated and derive a sense of belongingness. This should continue being exploited at all times. Some weaknesses have also been noted in the discussion section. One of these entails shortcomings in communication. Employees should be made part of the decision-making team to ensure they feel obligated to work for a hospital. A hospital should also outsource some required services especially in recruitment programs to allow them cope with the challenges fostered by motivation programs. Abstract - The study recognizes that the concept of design has an effect on a patient's healing process. In the study, substantial evidence presents that the design of medical institutes influence the health outcomes of patients, as well as recruitment and retention of the hospital staff. In addition, the concept of design also affects the efficiency of how care is being provisioned. In United Kingdom, primary health and social care is being prioritized due to the ageing population of the country. Summary - The purpose of the study is to incorporate an environment that would deliver safety, efficiency and quality that is flexible to changing delivery patterns in the provision of care. Strengths - The journal article is concise, thorough and properly formatted. It began with the topic in which it aimed to discuss, which was followed by the issues and challenges that cause the need for such a topic to be tackled. The author elaborated on the existing condition of modern health care, as well as the current trends' impact on the environment and the peoples' well being. With that, the author introduced the concept of sustainability. Empirical studies that would support the information presented were included through the incorporation of best practices that are present in health care buildings, neighborhoods and cities. A succinct analysis had been applied in regards to assessing what needs to be modified, along with a proposed action plan that could help resolve existing issues in healthcare. Weaknesses - The researcher believes that the journal article has no notable weaknesses. Dyson, F. (2007.) Many colored glass: Reflections on the place of life in the universe. F reeman University of Virgina Press. Abstract - Among the several factors that can be attributed to the degradation of the environment, global warming, or the gradual increase in the earth’s temperature is one of the single most important drivers of this change. Global warming is a phenomenon perpetrated by the increase in emission of greenhouse gases. These gases are most significantly released during the burning of fossil fuels, and human beings as a group are the greatest emitters of greenhouse gases. Summary – an organization will maintain the efforts of improving its eco-friendly in all the departments by allocating more resources toward improving the sustainability. Additionally, the organization will strive to explore better

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Death penalty should be abolished Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Death penalty should be abolished - Essay Example A punishment, which was put into effect in 1500 in England, was opposed by many academics in 1750. These academics included Cesare Beccaria who was the Italian jurist; Voltaire who was the French philosopher; and, Jeremy Bentham and Samuel Romilly, who were the English law reformers. They presented the argument that death penalty was the cruel form of punishing the criminals, and it is most often applied on innocent people. However, there are many counter-arguments that support the death penalty. This paper intends to juxtapose the arguments and counter-arguments regarding death penalty; and, support the statement that capital punishment or death penalty is cruel, and should be abolished. Ethics do not allow a government to take lives of its nationals. There is good number of chances that innocent lives will be put to death under this punishment, and there can be no compensation for this. It is possible that capital punishment converts to manslaughter by killing someone convicted of murder, when the murderer says that it was not murder but an inadvertent killing, such as killing in self-defense. An example is the open and shut case of James McNicol, who was put to death in December 1945. Although James did not oppose the conviction of murder; yet, after his death, Elaine Merrilees, his niece discovered that he was only guilty of manslaughter and not murder. Hence, death penalty can be understood as a violation of human or civil rights. Wrongful conviction also includes cases where people make false confessions. Such people are innocent in actual, and are penalized to death. Whether the court announces death penalty for a convict or not depends less on the criminal act and the evidences, and more on the skill of the lawyers, the financial status of the criminal, the socio-economic status, and the race and color. These factors result into biased decisions from the court, resulting in either making the real criminal escape the punishment or enforcing death penalty on to some other innocent person. This makes the whole system of death penalty illogical and heinous. However, it cannot be stated as a final decision that murderers should be given relaxation in punishment, which makes the debate of adopting or banning the capital punishment all the more daunting. Death penalty has deepened its roots strongly in many countries, and the victims are often Hispanics and the minorities, who are killed due to racial discrimination. It would have been somewhat acceptable if the punishment was for everyone, regardless of what race, color, or ethnic group the murderer belonged to, but since most of the times racial biases come across, the situation gets worse. This also becomes the cause for hatred between different ethnic groups, and may give rise to riots and a long sequence of killings based on racial differences. Marquart, Ekland-Olson and Sorensen (86) affirm that: Rather than systematically sentencing younger minorities to death, murderers of all ra cial categories who received death tended to be younger than the larger pool of imprisoned convicted murderers- although the difference in age between Hispanics sentenced to death or those imprisoned was not statistically significant. The family of the one who is being put to capital punishment suffers very badly. Negative impacts are inflicted on their innocent minds because they have to come to terms not only with the sentence of their loved one but also with his death, and that too so cruelly. Therefore, the agony of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Research report assisting a client in a career choice Proposal

Report assisting a client in a career choice - Research Proposal Example Following is a report of the interview that was carried out in response to his order. The main aim of this interview was to help the client follow the correct path in developing his career. The report covers a large scope including his personality and skills suitability, alternatives available to him, the constraint which may deter him from achieving his career and the value that the client would like to obtain from the choice of his career. Sources of the information that were used in giving advice to the client embody records of previous works with some of our clients, career books, and other web sites that cover issues on career alternatives. The report covers the information obtained from the client through an interview, opportunities available for the client, a recommendation of the best choice for him and a conclusion. The interview I carried out with the client was designed with the aim of enquiring on the issues he wanted tackled. The client explained that he needed the help of the firm in developing the correct path for his career. He explained that he needed to have a good understanding on the best career that suited him, the pay and how he could possibly develop it to greater heights. The client is an 18 year old, Black-American boy whose parents do no have access to unaffordable counseling service. He is an 11th grader learning at an English high school in a traditionally advantaged area. The school is dominated by white teachers. The client’s language preference is English with French as a second choice. He is the only child from his family. His parents were divorced and now both married. He has a half sister and three half brothers who are all younger than him. His father is self trained auto-mechanic who runs an own business from his house. His mother, a ninth grader, works as a ho usekeeper in a white’s home. Although the father and the mother are in disagreement on the field that their son should

Monday, October 14, 2019

Unprofessional Police Officers in the Police Force Essay Example for Free

Unprofessional Police Officers in the Police Force Essay In the Internet I have found an interesting web-site â€Å"Bad Cop, No Donut†. This is a â€Å"weekly wrap-up of North American police brutality, misconduct and corruption†. In other words there are plenty examples of unprofessional police officers. Here I found three situations to analyze. The first situation is described in the article â€Å"Woman dies after being struck by police officer during shootout†, In general it looks like a cop killed a woman accidentally on the crime scene while she was looking out from the window. The police officer explained that he saw a man with a gun and told him to drop a weapon. In response a suspect began firing and the policemen shoot a woman accidentally. The woman died in a hospital as a result. Unfortunately the consequences of this accident are fatal and there are no words of consolation for the family of the victim. But from the other side this officer was implementing the duties which are entrusted in him by the society and this is a side affect. If there was no this officer on the crime scene it may result in much more deaths. Of course there are several things that can help to avoid such consequences in the future: 1. Police should explain civilians that it is very dangerous to present near skirmish actions and it is essential to find a shelter until the situation will be stabilized. 2. Shooting abilities of police officers must be tested regularly. 3. It is possible to find a substitute for fire-arms and use some other weapons when there are a lot of civilians around. The second situation is described in the article â€Å"Dallas Officer Arrested On Extortion Charges† . This article is about a policeman who released some traffic violators in exchange for money. I consider such situation to be intolerable and such officers should be imprisoned because they promote crime. Drunk drivers or speed-lovers can kill or harm other people first of all, and it is let alone about their own health. In order to evade such situations I can make the following recommendations: 1. Reinforce the inside control of the police. 2. Toughen preventive punishment for such officers. The third article is about witness tampering and is entitled â€Å"Former Lumberton Police Officer Sentenced for Witness Tampering† . This story is about a former policeman who planted evidences in suspect’s home and made false statements to FBI. Such activities are inadmissible too because in result there can be punished innocent people first of all. In addition this man prevented investigation from establishing and punishing the guilty. This in turn would leave criminals unpunished and they will continue breaking the laws, and tax-payers will suffer. I do not think that such behavior can be prevented is can be only punished correspondingly. In conclusion I would like to say that police is entrusted by the society to defend people, prevent delinquencies and contribute to social stability. Therefore, it is inadmissible for policemen to break the law or behave unprofessionally. Police needs to take serious and deliberate steps to improve their performance. Unprofessional policemen cast a shadow on the police force as a whole thus people can loose their trust to police as a guarantor of order.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Reflective Report on Psychology Presentation

Reflective Report on Psychology Presentation This is a reflective report on my presentation on 4th February, 2015. Topic: What pressures do children of immigrant families face, in adjusting to a new culture and what are the implications of this for counselling? Introduction This was an individual presentation that was assessed by Tim Wilkinson who is the lecturer for Christian Integrative Therapeutic Counselling II, for Year 3. The second assessor was Dr. Barth Orji. I put in a lot of effort in preparing for this presentation. I visited the British Library twice and I engaged several scholars listed in my bibliography. I was really amazed to find that there was an enormous amount of materials on the topic. I critically analysed the views and the materials that I engaged. I also consulted my lecture notes and even the Tutor and Peer feedback forms so that I prepared not only for the content and materials but on the presentation too. I had a rehearsal at home in the presence of my wife and I asked her to critique the presentation. She gave me some valuable advice which I took on board. As with all my assessments, I had mixed feelings leading to the day. I was anxious because I was to be assessed and I was also exhilarated in anticipation of receiving some very constructive feedback that will further enhance my counselling skills, as I have known the two assessors involved to be very objective. On the day, I arrived in time but the second assessor was a bit late which in the end gave me ample time to relax my nerves. I was the first to present which ordinarily would have been nerve racking but surprisingly, I was very calm, composed and confident all through my presentation. Upon reflection, I think that it is the result of my quest to raise the bar and improve. Many will avoid starting first so as to learn from the feedbacks of those that present ahead of them but I would rather have an assessment of my genuine ability and take on feedbacks that will be useful to help me to the next level. The presentations went on as scheduled. Every student attended and took part in peer assessment. Everyone gave feedback which made it more interesting because there were diverse perspectives to the feedbacks. Summary of my presentation There are issues that Immigrant children face in a bid to adapt to a new culture. I grouped these issues into six sub themes: Educational, New community, Emotional, Language, Racism and Identity. In the course of my research, I discovered that there is another side to the coin; there are also benefits. Such benefit will include Bi-cultural competence (Garcia-Coll Magnuson 1997) and development of the mental ability to cope with stress. Some children adapt easily while some others struggle. There is a great variation in how the children adapt. These variations are so much so that they pose a challenge in drawing conclusions. There are implications that these issues could have on counselling. I realised that even though parents expect that the Counsellor will put their child right, not very much is known about these issues. I think the Counsellor must strive to equip himself to be effective. Pre-migration and post migration circumstances combine to influence how these children navigate this adaptive process. However, I think that more research is required to formulate effective models of interventions to support immigrant children. This will support immigrant children in establishing the foundation for their futures. (Szapocznik Kurtines,1993). The Counsellor requires an in-depth understanding of the aforementioned issues. Again, I think that the government can support immigrant children by establishing counselling services in schools; this will enhance mental wellbeing, bi-cultural abilities and stronger community among immigrants’ children. Questions and Feedback from Peers and Tutors My colleague Israel, who was one of the peers assessors questioned my definition of immigrants’ children and wanted more clarification. I reiterated that a child born abroad and brought to live in the United Kingdom as well as a child born to a first generation immigrant parent, is an immigrants’ child. The lecturer, Tim Wilkinson concurred with my definition and in his contribution, gave an example of a child born to a Caucasian family who lived as missionaries in Africa; upon returning to the United Kingdom, the child struggled to cope with the culture and eventually moved back to live in Africa. The peer assessors were Israel, Tuoyo, Ayo, Chikere and Bernardine. Tuoyo noted that the content was extremely rich and well researched. He thinks that the strongest part of the presentation was the definitions. Israel observed that it was well referenced with enough scholars. Ayo thinks that the presentation was thorough and that I exhibited confidence, Chikere and Bernardine agreed with the rest but pointed out that I needed to improve on my time management. There was a consensus that it was a very good presentation. Dr Barth observed that I did not use visual aids but handed them printed copies of my presentation. He observed that the communication was very good, subject well researched, indicating that I know and mastered the subject. He also said that there was good eye contact, gesture and body language was good, stance was good and voice projection was excellent. He also commended me for remaining focused even when there was distraction from peers. Tim Wilkinson did not want to repeat what had been said; he added that research was thorough, but that the material was too much hence I exceeded the allocated time. He observed that there was evidence of good knowledge of the subject, clear English, voice projection was good. However, he thinks that the eye contact can be better. Reflection and Conclusion: I think that my presentation was hitch free. I engaged several scholars in the course of my research and I found the topic very interesting. I put in all effort but I am aware that there is still a lot more research to be done in developing intervention models for immigrants’ children. I reflected and listened to myself as I was presenting, and I was quite surprised at how confident I came across. At the end, I still felt that I did not do my best and so I was amazed at the feedbacks that I received. I think that overall, having evaluated the whole exercise including feedbacks, it was a good presentation. However, it was a learning process for me and I have taken note of the feedbacks on areas highlighted for improvement. I will endeavour to use visual aids in the future, work on my time management and improve on my eye contact. (1073 words) Bibliography Cropley, A.J. (1983). The education of immigrant children. London: Croom Helm. Das, A. and Kemp, S. (1997). Between two worlds: Counselling South Asian Americans. Journal of Multicultural Counselling and Development, 25, 23 – 33. Garcia-Coll, C and Magnuson, K. (1997). The psychological experience of immigration. In A. Booth, A. Gibson, M. (1988) Accommodation without assimilation: Sikh immigrants in an American high school. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Kim, E, and Diaz, J. Immigrant Students and Higher Education: ASHE Higher Education Report 38:6 ONS (17 December, 2013) [Accessed 02/02/2015] ONS (May, 2014) Portes, A. (1995). Children of immigrants: Segmented Assimilation and its determinants. Rumbaut, R.G. (1995). The New Californians: Comparative research findings on the educational progress of immigrant children. In R.G. Rumbaut W.A. Cornelius (Eds.), California’s Immigrant children: Theory, research, and implications for educational policy (pp. 17 -70). La Jolla: Center for U.S. Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego. Sam, D.L. (1992). Psychological acculturation of young visible immigrants. Migration World Magazine, 20, 21 24. Szapocznik, J. and Kurtines, W. (1993). Family psychology and cultural diversity: Opportunities for theory, research, and application. American Psychologist, 48, 400 – 407. Vernez, G. and Abrahamse, A. (1996). How Immigrants Fare in U.S. Education. Santa Monica, C.A.: RAND Corporation. Peter Emordi COU 3000 Task 2 1

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Green Goblin :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many super heroes I could have chosen to do this report on, but I chose not to. Instead, I chose a super villain we all know; his name is the Green Goblin.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The meaning of a super hero is a figure endowed with powers usually used for fighting crime. So a super villain would be a figure endowed with powers used for causing crimes. The crime causing Green Goblin was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in July of 1964. He filled the position of Spiderman’s most deadly villain. He first appeared in Spiderman#14 the comic series.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before becoming the Green Goblin he was known as Norman Osborn the second, or as Spiderman’s best friend’s dad. He became the Green Goblin because one of his experiments at Osborn Industrial (he was the owner) went terribly wrong. The messed up experiment caused him to have the following powers/gadgets: super strength, pumpkin bombs and other sorts of bombs. He did not use these new found powers as Spiderman did; the Green Goblin used them for chaos. To be specific he used his powers to fight Spiderman and his other enemies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the years went by the Green Goblin changed a lot. He started out in a comic book, which was later turned into a television show. In the year 2002 he was featured in the movie Spiderman: the Movie. Another sort of change that occurred in his life time was his costume and his powers. He started as a little goblin with a hat (as seen in the picture on the left) to one with a full body suit (as seen in the picture on the right.) In addition to his powers of super strength and pumpkin bombs, other gadgets were introduced, such as electric bombs and a hoverboard.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, the Green Goblin has made it a long way from the comic book series to big time movies.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Hum/130 Final

Buddhism HUM/130 January 13, 2013 Buddhism In this paper we will put to an end to the ongoing question if the Buddhists are bowing down to Idols or Gods and why they do what they do. This paper will go into detail about the temple that I went to and the different tours that I was able to go on and the interview I was able to hold. I will also go into great detail about what you experience during one of the services in the Main Shrine. The Hsi Lai Temple sits on 15 acres of land and has a floor area of 102,432 sq. ft. nd is located at 3456 Glenmark Drive, Hacienda Heights CA 91745. The architecture when you first drive up is mind blowing and beautiful. The architecture stays true to the traditional styles of buildings, gardens, and statuary of the ancient Chinese monasteries. They started the planning and building of the temple in 1978 and finished the building ten years later in 1988. Hsi Lai means â€Å"coming west† and signifies the dedication of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist O rder to spreading the teachings of the Buddha. Fo Guang Shan is the largest monastery and covers over 370 acres.When you walk up the first set of steps you come to what they call the gate. On the top part of the sign it says Hsi Lai Temple which again means â€Å"coming west† and then on the four pillars it says the four universal vows, which are â€Å"to save all sentient beings, to eradicate all worries, to study the boundless Dharma, and to attain supreme Buddhahood. † After you walk up the steps from the lower parking lot where the gate is you walk up more steps to the upper parking lot and then from their you walk up more steps to what they call the Bodhisattva Hall.Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings that made a vow to selflessly serve others with loving-kindness and compassion and are committed to liberating all beings from suffering. It is said that each one of the bodhisattvas represents a virtuous quality essential to all Buddhists. When talking about the bod hisattvas they made a point to make sure that we understood that when we saw that people were bowing to them that they were not bowing to an idol, but rather a sign of showing respect and seeking their guidance to develop the virtuous qualities they represent. Bowing also shows our own humility and the curbing of our ego.There are five bodhisattvas are: Samantabhadra Bodhisattva which is symbolic of great practice, and helping us achieve more discipline in our daily life, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva which was known for his great vow to help all beings in hell and would not stop till hell was emptied of all beings, Maitreya Bodhisattva is the future Buddha and is the symbol of great benevolence and is often referred to as Happy Buddah, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva which symbolizes the perfection and loving-kindness, and Manjusri Bodhisattva which is known for great wisdom which empowers one to distinguish universal morality from wrongdoing.Underneath the five bodhisattva are engraved Chine se characters from the Diamond Sutra. Next to the Heart Sutra the Diamond Sutra is the most widely read of the Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra, and is highly valued among sects in Chan Buddhism.While I was at the His Lai Temple I found that they have an information where you can go on two different types of tours of their temple: the first being a self-guided audio tour where they give you a cd player and it gives you valuable information about the temple and all its rooms and buildings as well as the gardens and information on the statues that are found throughout the temple, The second type of tour they offer is with a docent who is more than willing to answer any questions that may come up during the tour, while they inform you about everything within the temple.The two gardens I was able to see within the temple was: the first being the Arhat Garden where the eighteen arhats are seated. The Arhats have realized the truth of no-self and that all is a composite of the five aggregates dep endant on other phenomena originally empty and subject to impermanence. It is said that the eighteen Arharts were able to overcome the difilements of greed, anger, and ignorance.The eighteen Arhats are: Cudapanthaka which is the door watching arhat, Jivaka which is the heart exposing arhat, Vajraputra which is the persuading arhat, Subinda which is the pagoda holding arhat, Panthaka which is the arhat with stretched arms, Kalika which is the dust cleaning arhat, Bhadra which is the arhat that crossed the river, Pindola which is the arhat with long eyebrows, Nakula which is the silently seated arhat, Ajita which is the arhat riding the deer, Maitreya which is the tiger taming arhat, Angaja which is the arhat with a sack, Vananasim which is the arhat under the banana tree, Rahula which is the arhat in deep conversation, Manakassapa which the dragon subduing arhat, Kanakabharadavaja which is the arhat holding the alms bowl, Nagasena which is the ear cleaning arhat, and Kanakavatsa whic h is the jolly arhat. The second garden is the Avalokitesvara Garden. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is seated on a giant rock with both her attendants, Shanci and Longnu who are standing beside her.Surrounding the pond are the four Deva Kings: Virudhaka of the Southern Kingdom which is holding the sword, Virupaksa of the Western Kingdom which is holding the dragon, Dhanada of the Northern Kingdom which is holding the umbrella, and the Dhrtarastra of the Eastern Kingdom which is holding a sitar. The four Deva Kings are revered as guardians who protect devout sentient beings from being harmed by unwholesome elements. Standing around the four Deva Kings are the four Dragon Kings of the Four Seas. The flowing water in the garden is symbolic of the Dharma water flowing everywhere to purify people’s minds. Although the Buddhist love informing people of their religion and teaching you about their beliefs. They are really not very forth coming when it comes to helping someone who is the re for a school assignment.I was asked by the individual to leave his name out and was further informed that they do not normally do this kind of interview. When asked about the holidays and traditions he said the most important holiday is Wesak Day which comes in May on the day of the full moon. As for traditions he said that it all depends on the form of Buddhism tradition that you followed. When asked how has his life has been shaped by the Buddhism religion he said that it has made him a more understanding person to what he called the true nature of life. When asked what the biggest challenge is to the Buddhist religion he said that with all beliefs the biggest challenge is changing you.He has been practicing Buddhism since he was born and was taught by monks and other teachers about the Buddhist religion. When asked if there were any dietary restrictions, he did not come out and say that you had to be vegan but stated that it was more wholesome to be vegan. During our interview I found that it was real simple to become a Buddhist and that all you really have to do is follow the teachings. After that question he seemed to be in a real hurry to end the interview but I thanked him for his time and let him know that what I was able to get answered was very helpful. When it came to compairing this religion to another I chose Christianity, not because it was the easier to compare because I found them to have very obvious differences.In Christianity when you become a Christian you accept God into your heart as Lord and Savior and then are baptized as a symbol of the washing of your sins. When you become a Buddhist you just start following the teachings of the Buddha. The other difference that stood out to me was that Christians believe in a heaven and hell and Buddhist believe that hell is only in the mind. Christians believe that when you die you go to heaven to be with your Lord and Savior, Buddhist believe that when you are done with this life you are reincar nated in the next life. I found this religion to be incredibly interesting as well as beautiful. This religion is all about selflessness, which I found in this day and age to be comforting.In order to become a Buddhists you, you are told to give up all your worldly possessions. Today, everything is about worldly possessions from the cell phone that they have the designer clothes they own, to the car that they drive. When the subject of material possessions is brought up it starts making you think about what is really important in your life and how much thought you actually put into material possessions. I have found that people say that their family and friends are important, but if someone were to ask them to give up these possessions what do you think they would say? These people would tell you that you were out of your mind and then proceed to give you every excuse under the sun on why they could not do this.I believe that it takes an amazing person to be able to put someone else ’s life before their own and to truly be devoted unconditionally. As I watched the monks interact with people throughout the times I was there it seemed like they were truly at peace and seemed like they had it all figured out when it came to life. When I first started the assignment I thought that it was going to be stuffy and that I would have to deal with someone who did not want to truly be in the place of having to help someone with a school paper. I found that to be completely false and actually found that not only the monks were willing to answer questions, but all the staff members were happy to answer whatever questions that anybody came up with.At the end of this assignment I found that Buddhism not only left you with such a serine feeling not only while you were in the temple but when you left it made you feel like you could accomplish anything if you just believed. They believe that the only way to truly achieve happiness is by giving up yourself and start paying more attention to others. References: An Introduction to Buddhism. (2000). Retrieved from http://webspace. ship. edu/cgboer/buddhaintro. html Religious Tolerance. (2011). Retrieved from http://www. religioustolerance. org/buddhism. htm buddhanet. (2013). Retrieved from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/cwe/citation_generator/web_01_01. asp

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Of mIce and Men, how Steinbeck creates sympoahty and animosity towards Curley’s Wife Essay

In of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, Curley’s wife sparks much debate and controversy, being an extremely important character in the book as she symbolises the gender inequality and discrimination of the period. At the start of the novella, we assume she is just a plot device, but later on find out that there is much more about her and she has a very important role in the book as being the only woman. During the 1930’s women were treated unequally to men, and weren’t treated with as much respect, which is reflected later when we realise that Curley’s wife isn’t addressed with a name. The attitude to women at the time contrasts with how gender inequality is now; women have the right to vote and they are now appreciated. The novella is set in the 1930s in Soledad, near Salinas, California. The novella was set during the American depression. Soledad, meaning loneliness in Spanish is also cleverly used as the place name of where the fictional ranch is set. This merges in with the theme of loneliness that runs throughout the novel, foreshadowing what we later find out about Curley’s wife’s life on the ranch. The Great depression was triggered by the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and left millions of people unemployed. All the while people lost confidence, felt insecure and the American Dream had vanished, linking to what all the men on the ranch want, but now seems impossible to achieve. Because of the ranch being an isolated and primitive, the lifestyle was lonely. Steinbeck uses his personal experience as a ranch worker to describe how the workers felt: George says that â€Å"ranch workers are the loneliest people in the world and don’t belong nowhere†. Steinbeck also portrays loneliness through characterisation. Perhaps the loneliest character, which Steinbeck creates in the novel, is Curley’s wife. She is the only female in the ranch and although she is married, you never witness the distinct couple of Curley and his wife together. She is never really noticed, hence the sense of sexual discrimination. Section 1: Of Mice and Men is filled with tragic events which come in a crucial structure that are hinted throughout the book. In fact, even the title foreshadows the unfortunate situations that take place. â€Å"Of Mice and Men† comes from the poem by Robert Burns – To a Mouse. ‘The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men/ gang aft agley./ An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain./ Forn  promis’d joy!’. The poem tells us that the best things always go wrong and leave you with nothing but grief and pain, this relates to the novella well because the best dream for Curley’s wife was to be in the ‘pitcures’, but because her mother took them away (she believed) her dreams was shattered and now is left in an unhappy marriage on a ranch where she doesn’t belong. The first moment that we hear about Curley’s wife is when Candy describes her in the bunkhouse, through gossip. He describes her as a sex object, sounding quite negative towards her. Steinbeck first describes her in a less judgmental way, not really showing a strong opinion of her, unlike Candy’s view which is much more frustrated and clear: ‘well i think Curley’s married†¦a tart’. When Candy describes her as a ‘tart’ and the use of an ellipsis, shows that he recoils when using such a derogatory term. The reader already pictures Curley’s wife in their head, and we immediately seem to dislike her, but also sympathise for her because she is gossiped about before the reader even meets her and can make their own decision. One of the reasons why we first hear about Curley’s wife before we meet her is because the men on the ranch all dislike Curley, and they all presume she is as mean as he is. Again, when she is introduced, an ill feeling overcomes the atmosphere indicating that Lennie will be getting into a mess with her. George states in the very beginning that he is always getting into mishaps, â€Å"You do bad things and I got to get you out,†. In the first scene, we learn that Lennie likes to stroke mice and other soft creatures, but has a tendency to kill them accidentally. This foreshadows the death of his puppy and the death of Curley’s wife. Furthermore, when George recounts that Lennie grabbed the woman’s dress in Weed and would not let go, the reader anticipates that similar trouble will arise at the ranch, especially once Curley’s flirtatious wife appears on the scene. Lennie being naà ¯ve and has limited intelligence, showing that he is somewhat childish and interprets his feelings different to how we might understand these feelings. When he describes Curley’s wife as ‘Purty’ we get the sense that he considers her on her looks alone. The vernacular language again shows that he is childlike, and makes him sound real. In society, from where the book was published up till now, the elderly are no longer useful because they aren’t as able. The shooting of Candy’s dog symbolises that there is not need for the elderly to live, representing that Lennie is the dog, because he is not as mentally  able as the other men on the ranch. Candy mirrors George- he has to suffer and has lost his partner, just like Candy lost his dog that kept Candy company, but no longer can, linking back to the idea of everyone always ending up lonely. The contrast between the first chapter and the last also shows his death because the same scene goes from the peaceful field to the violent death of the water snake at the beginning of the novella. Section 2: Throughout Of Mice and Men, we feel that a lot of the characters feel real to us. This is because of the vernacular Steinbeck uses. Curley’s wife seems to be a hard character, but might not be as strong as she would like to appear. She strives to make an impression in front of all the men, because she is the only woman on the ranch, one could interpret this like she knows that the men might be attracted to her and thinks she has an advantage. ‘She was heavily made up’ describes that she wears a lot of makeup; this makes the reader get a sense of ill feeling towards her, although whilst also feeling sensitivity for her because this could illustrate that she wears so much makeup to hide herself, and uses it as a mask. Also, she could be so made up because she still wants to imagine herself as an actress; all the stars where makeup and look magnificent. When Curley’s wife first speaks, her voice is described with having ‘a nasal, brittle quality’. The word ‘nasal’ suggests a high, whiney voice, which does not match her powerful facade and links to previous suggestions of being fake and disguising her real persona with her appearance. The fact that she feels unable to show her true self for fear of being hurt, creates sympathy in the reader. After the gossip we hear about Curley’s wife, we finally meet her. Her physical appearance of ‘full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, heavily made- up’, as well as ‘fingernail painted red’ and elaborate hair, further build on our preconceptions of her. Red, the colour of her attire and the style of her hair and makeup suggest some sexuality. Additionally, she use suggestive and provocative body language, ‘she put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward’, and her flimsy excuse to be with the men in their quarters contribute to the rancher’s view of her as a ’tramp’. She both talks and acts playfully and flirtatiously in  front of the other ranch workers. She could behave in this manner because her sexuality is her only weapon to gain attention, thus Candy’s description of her seems accurate after her first appearance in the novel. Through her physical appearance and her own actions, Candy’s description of Curley’s Wife seems accurate after her first appearance in the novel. On the other hand, Curley’s Wife’s appearance could be seen as naivety and simply youthful desire to be found attractive. Red is a primary colour therefore children are attracted to it, it is a colour children want to wear because it is bright and has an element of happiness in it. Therefore Curley’s Wife wearing the colour red may symbolise a child’s attraction to bright colours portraying her as youthful or girly. Curley’s wife is such a complex character, and we see this in the letter Steinbeck wrote to Miss Luce describing her. Steinbeck heard that Miss Luce was struggling to play the role of Curley’s wife in 1938, in the letter he included her as ‘knowing utterly nothing about sex’ and Curley’s wife is an innocent woman under all the defenses she has built up against all the comments directed to her. In of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, Curley’s wife sparks much debate and controversy, being an extremely important character in the book as she symbolises the gender inequality and discrimination of the period. At the start of the novella, we assume she is just a plot device, but later on find out that there is much more about her and she has a very important role in the book as being the only woman. During the 1930’s women were treated unequally to men, and weren’t treated with as much respect, which is reflected later when we realise that Curley’s wife isn’t addressed with a name. The attitude to women at the time contrasts with how gender inequality is now; women have the right to vote and they are now appreciated. The novella is set in the 1930s in Soledad, near Salinas, California. The novella was set during the American depression. Soledad, meaning loneliness in Spanish is also cleverly used as the place name of where the fictional ranch is set. This merges in with the theme of loneliness that runs throughout the novel, foreshadowing what we later find out about Curley’s wife’s life on the ranch. The Great depression was triggered by the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and left millions of people unemployed. All the while people lost confidence, felt insecure and the American Dream had vanished, linking to what all the men on the ranch want, but now seems impossible to achieve. Because of the ranch being an isolated and primitive, the lifestyle was lonely. Steinbeck uses his personal experience as a ranch worker to describe how the workers felt: George says that â€Å"ranch workers are the loneliest people in the world and don’t belong nowhere†. Steinbeck also portrays loneliness through characterisation. Perhaps the loneliest character, which Steinbeck creates in the novel, is Curley’s wife. She is the only female in the ranch and although she is married, you never witness the distinct couple of Curley and his wife together. She is never really noticed, hence the sense of sexual discrimination. Section 1: Of Mice and Men is filled with tragic events which come in a crucial structure that are hinted throughout the book. In fact, even the title foreshadows the unfortunate situations that take place. â€Å"Of Mice and Men† comes from the poem by Robert Burns – To a Mouse. ‘The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men/ gang aft agley./ An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain./ For  promis’d joy!’. The poem tells us that the best things always go wrong and leave you with nothing but grief and pain, this relates to the novella well because the best dream for Curley’s wife was to be in the ‘pitcures’, but because her mother took them away (she believed) her dreams was shattered and now is left in an unhappy marriage on a ranch where she doesn’t belong. The first moment that we hear about Curley’s wife is when Candy describes her in the bunkhouse, through gossip. He describes her as a sex object, sounding quite negative towards her. Steinbeck first describes her in a less judgmental way, not really showing a strong opinion of her, unlike Candy’s view which is much more frustrated and clear: ‘well i think Curley’s married†¦a tart’. When Candy describes her as a ‘tart’ and the use of an ellipsis, shows that he recoils when using such a derogatory term. The reader already pictures Curley’s wife in their head, and we immediately seem to dislike her, but also sympathise for her because she is gossiped about before the reader even meets her and can make their own decision. One of the reasons why we first hear about Curley’s wife before we meet her is because the men on the ranch all dislike Curley, and they all presume she is as mean as he is. Again, when she is introduced, an ill feeling overcomes the atmosphere indicating that Lennie will be getting into a mess with her. George states in the very beginning that he is always getting into mishaps, â€Å"You do bad things and I got to get you out,†. In the first scene, we learn that Lennie likes to stroke mice and other soft creatures, but has a tendency to kill them accidentally. This foreshadows the death of his puppy and the death of Curley’s wife. Furthermore, when George recounts that Lennie grabbed the woman’s dress in Weed and would not let go, the reader anticipates that similar trouble will arise at the ranch, especially once Curley’s flirtatious wife appears on the scene. Lennie being naà ¯ve and has limited intelligence, showing that he is somewhat childish and interprets his feelings different to how we might understand these feelings. When he describes Curley’s wife as ‘Purty’ we get the sense that he considers her on her looks alone. The vernacular language again shows that he is childlike, and makes him sound real. In society, from where the book was published up till now, the elderly are no longer useful because they aren’t as able. The shooting of Candy’s dog symbolises that there is not need for the elderly to live, representing that Lennie is the dog, because he is not as mentally able as the other men on the ranch. Candy mirrors George- he has to suffer and has lost his partner, just like Candy lost his dog that kept Candy company, but no longer can, linking back to the idea of everyone always ending up lonely. The contrast between the first chapter and the last also shows his death because the same scene goes from the peaceful field to the violent death of the water snake at the beginning of the novella. Section 2: Throughout Of Mice and Men, we feel that a lot of the characters feel real to us. This is because of the vernacular Steinbeck uses. Curley’s wife seems to be a hard character, but might not be as strong as she would like to appear. She strives to make an impression in front of all the men, because she is the only woman on the ranch, one could interpret this like she knows that the men might be attracted to her and thinks she has an advantage. ‘She was heavily made up’ describes that she wears a lot of makeup; this makes the reader get a sense of ill feeling towards her, although whilst also feeling sensitivity for her because this could illustrate that she wears so much makeup to hide herself, and uses it as a mask. Also, she could be so made up because she still wants to imagine herself as an actress; all the stars where makeup and look magnificent. When Curley’s wife first speaks, her voice is described with having ‘a nasal, brittle quality’. The word ‘nasal’ suggests a high, whiney voice, which does not match her powerful facade and links to previous suggestion In of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, Curley’s wife sparks much debate and controversy, being an extremely important character in the book as she symbolises the gender inequality and discrimination of the period. At the start of the novella, we assume she is just a plot device, but later on find out that there is much more about her and she has a very important role in the book as being the only woman. During the 1930’s women were treated unequally to men, and weren’t treated with as much respect, which is reflected later when we realise that Curley’s wife isn’t addressed with a name. The attitude to women at the time contrasts with how gender inequality is now; women have the right to vote and they are now appreciated. The novella is set in the 1930s in Soledad, near Salinas, California. The novella was set during the American depression. Soledad, meaning loneliness in Spanish is also cleverly used as the place name of where the fictional ranch is set. This merges in with the theme of loneliness that runs throughout the novel, foreshadowing what we later find out about Curley’s wife’s life on the ranch. The Great depression was triggered by the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and left millions of people unemployed. All the while people lost confidence, felt insecure and the American Dream had vanished, linking to what all the men on the ranch want, but now seems impossible to achieve. Because of the ranch being an isolated and primitive, the lifestyle was lonely. Steinbeck uses his personal experience as a ranch worker to describe how the workers felt: George says that â€Å"ranch workers are the loneliest people in the world and don’t belong nowhere†. Steinbeck also portrays loneliness through characterisation. Perhaps the loneliest character, which Steinbeck creates in the novel, is Curley’s wife. She is the only female in the ranch and although she is married, you never witness the distinct couple of Curley and his wife together. She is never really noticed, hence the sense of sexual discrimination. Section 1: Of Mice and Men is filled with tragic events which come in a crucial structure that are hinted throughout the book. In fact, even the title foreshadows the unfortunate situations that take place. â€Å"Of Mice and Men† comes from the poem by Robert Burns – To a Mouse. ‘The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men/ gang aft agley./ An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain./ For  promis’d joy!’. The poem tells us that the best things always go wrong and leave you with nothing but grief and pain, this relates to the novella well because the best dream for Curley’s wife was to be in the ‘pitcures’, but because her mother took them away (she believed) her dreams was shattered and now is left in an unhappy marriage on a ranch where she doesn’t belong. The first moment that we hear about Curley’s wife is when Candy describes her in the bunkhouse, through gossip. He describes her as a sex object, sounding quite negative towards her. Steinbeck first describes her in a less judgmental way, not really showing a strong opinion of her, unlike Candy’s view which is much more frustrated and clear: ‘well i think Curley’s married†¦a tart’. When Candy describes her as a ‘tart’ and the use of an ellipsis, shows that he recoils when using such a derogatory term. The reader already pictures Curley’s wife in their head, and we immediately seem to dislike her, but also sympathise for her because she is gossiped about before the reader even meets her and can make their own decision. One of the reasons why we first hear about Curley’s wife before we meet her is because the men on the ranch all dislike Curley, and they all presume she is as mean as he is. Again, when she is introduced, an ill feeling overcomes the atmosphere indicating that Lennie will be getting into a mess with her. George states in the very beginning that he is always getting into mishaps, â€Å"You do bad things and I got to get you out,†. In the first scene, we learn that Lennie likes to stroke mice and other soft creatures, but has a tendency to kill them accidentally. This foreshadows the death of his puppy and the death of Curley’s wife. Furthermore, when George recounts that Lennie grabbed the woman’s dress in Weed and would not let go, the reader anticipates that similar trouble will arise at the ranch, especially once Curley’s flirtatious wife appears on the scene. Lennie being naà ¯ve and has limited intelligence, showing that he is somewhat childish and interprets his feelings different to how we might understand these feelings. When he describes Curley’s wife as ‘Purty’ we get the sense that he considers her on her looks alone. The vernacular language again shows that he is childlike, and makes him sound real. In society, from where the book was published up till now, the elderly are no longer useful because they aren’t as able. The shooting of Candy’s dog symbolises that there is not need for the elderly to live, representing that Lennie is the dog, because he is not as mentally  able as the other men on the ranch. Candy mirrors George- he has to suffer and has lost his partner, just like Candy lost his dog that kept Candy company, but no longer can, linking back to the idea of everyone always ending up lonely. The contrast between the first chapter and the last also shows his death because the same scene goes from the peaceful field to the violent death of the water snake at the beginning of the novella. Section 2: Throughout Of Mice and Men, we feel that a lot of the characters feel real to us. This is because of the vernacular Steinbeck uses. Curley’s wife seems to be a hard character, but might not be as strong as she would like to appear. She strives to make an impression in front of all the men, because she is the only woman on the ranch, one could interpret this like she knows that the men might be attracted to her and thinks she has an advantage. ‘She was heavily made up’ describes that she wears a lot of makeup; this makes the reader get a sense of ill feeling towards her, although whilst also feeling sensitivity for her because this could illustrate that she wears so much makeup to hide herself, and uses it as a mask. Also, she could be so made up because she still wants to imagine herself as an actress; all the stars where makeup and look magnificent. When Curley’s wife first speaks, her voice is described with having ‘a nasal, brittle quality’. The word ‘nasal’ suggests a high, whiney voice, which does not match her powerful facade and links to previous suggestions of being fake and disguising her real persona with her appearance. The fact that she feels unable to show her true self for fear of being hurt, creates sympathy in the reader. After the gossip we hear about Curley’s wife, we finally meet her. Her physical appearance of ‘full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, heavily made- up’, as well as ‘fingernail painted red’ and elaborate hair, further build on our preconceptions of her. Red, the colour of her attire and the style of her hair and makeup suggest some sexuality. Additionally, she use suggestive and provocative body language, ‘she put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward’, and her flimsy excuse to be with the men in their quarters contribute to the rancher’s view of her as a ’tramp’. She both talks and acts playfully and flirtatiously in  front of the other ranch workers. She could behave in this manner because her sexuality is her only weapon to gain attention, thus Candy’s description of her seems accurate after her first appearance in the novel. Through her physical appearance and her own actions, Candy’s description of Curley’s Wife seems accurate after her first appearance in the novel. On the other hand, Curley’s Wife’s appearance could be seen as naivety and simply youthful desire to be found attractive. Red is a primary colour therefore children are attracted to it, it is a colour children want to wear because it is bright and has an element of happiness in it. Therefore Curley’s Wife wearing the colour red may symbolise a child’s attraction to bright colours portraying her as youthful or girly. Curley’s wife is such a complex character, and we see this in the letter Steinbeck wrote to Miss Luce describing her. Steinbeck heard that Miss Luce was struggling to play the role of Curley’s wife in 1938, in the letter he included her as ‘knowing utterly nothing about sex’ and Curley’s wife is an innocent woman under all the defenses she has built up against all the comments directed to her. s of being fake and disguising her real persona with her appearance. The fact that she feels unable to show her true self for fear of being hurt, creates sympathy in the reader. After the gossip we hear about Curley’s wife, we finally meet her. Her physical appearance of ‘full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, heavily made- up’, as well as ‘fingernail painted red’ and elaborate hair, further build on our preconceptions of her. Red, the colour of her attire and the style of her hair and makeup suggest some sexuality. Additionally, she use suggestive and provocative body language, ‘she put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward’, and her flimsy excuse to be with the men in their quarters contribute to the rancher’s view of her as a ’tramp’. She both talks and acts playfully and flirtatiously in  front of the other ranch workers. She could behave in this manner because her sexuality is her only weapon to gain attention, thus Candy’s description of her seems accurate after her first appearance in the novel. Through her physical appearance and her own actions, Candy’s description of Curley’s Wife seems accurate after her first appearance in the novel. On the other hand, Curley’s Wife’s appearance could be seen as naivety and simply youthful desire to be found attractive. Red is a primary colour therefore children are attracted to it, it is a colour children want to wear because it is bright and has an element of happiness in it. Therefore Curley’s Wife wearing the colour red may symbolise a child’s attraction to bright colours portraying her as youthful or girly. Curley’s wife is such a complex character, and we see this in the letter Steinbeck wrote to Miss Luce describing her. Steinbeck heard that Miss Luce was struggling to play the role of Curley’s wife in 1938, in the letter he included her as ‘knowing utterly nothing about sex’ and Curley’s wife is an innocent woman under all the defenses she has built up against all the comments directed to her.