Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Let Every Nation Know - Worksheet Answers - 1841 Words

Victor Mateo HIST 111 Prof. Sleeper â€Å"Let Every Nation Know† Worksheet 1. Had JFK not gotten into politics, he would have continued a career in journalism (pg. 5). In 1945, he was hired to cover the UN conference in San Francisco by the Chicago Herald-American. A school friend even said his temperament was better suited for writing (pg4). After his plane exploded over the English Chanel, JFK was devastated. Symbols changed from a blue star to gold so everyone will know there was a loss. To help with his grief, JFK wrote a memorial book called â€Å"As We Remember Joe†; it was later privately published. 2. JFK had entered the campaign â€Å"too late† in today’s political sphere, but in the 1960’s it was simple late but doable. His†¦show more content†¦Take a look at the current regime; the press lift them up while disregarding the damage (economically and socially) that results from their policies. 8. JFK was able to garner the support of the country because he committed the nation to achieving the goal of landing on the moon and returning safely within the decade. He linked this to the nation’s prestige. This assertion would be the challenge to the nation that the nation had been longing for. Both sides of the house and senate were united on this singular goal. In addition to wanting to win the space race, JFK also requested to support allies fighting communism by supplying them with our troops. I think it was a combination of both his charisma and the climate of current events that resulted in such acceptance (pg. 113-119). 9. JFK knew that one day history would remember the ‘60’s as â€Å"the beginning of a new age of discovery† (pg. 162). JFK also admired the boldness of this exploration. He viewed it as being â€Å"associated with great nations and visionary leaders.† Space was, and still is, the new frontier. Space was the new frontier not only for exploration, but for armed conflict as well. JFK sought to win control of space just as Britain won control of the Atlantic (pg. 162). In order to obtain this goal, it would require a lot of dedication from the American public, to include stopping undue work stoppages (strikes), hire materials and talent costs, and longer turnover time ofShow MoreRelatedNonverbal, Interpersonal, and Textual Communication Worksheet1097 Words   |  5 PagesUniversity of Phoenix Material Nonverbal, Interpersonal, and Textual Communication Worksheet Nonverbal communication plays an essential role in any conversation. Individuals who are aware of nonverbal actions during conversations can more effectively interpret what is being communicated. Part 1 Look at the interactions between the individuals in the following photos and interpret what you think is being expressed through nonverbal communication. 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