Sunday, February 23, 2020

Narration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Narration - Essay Example My mom approached me with very enticing words meant to lull me to remain behind as she accompanies dad and my brother Tim for the historic visit. I was swift to realize where she was ended and immediately burst into anger, shouting, â€Å"no, no, no this cannot happen!† My mother never looked amused behaving as if she had expected the response. Tim and dad could hear me from the living room but they seemed unmoved. I had many questions for them but according to mom’s reaction, it seemed rhetorical questions. I dashed into the living room leaving my mum in my bedroom, ready to confront dad for the decision. Seeing me from a distance Tim smiled but I never failed to frown my face. Realizing the anger and disappointment in my face, dad was concerned but tried to calm me down. Immediately, mum came to the living room behind me, I was so mad at them that they regretted having made the decision to overlook me for the trip. After confronting them, they decided that it was their opportunity to explain why they had to make the decision. However, their arguments lacked synchrony and they could even contradict each other. I was left behind as they went for the trip, a time that I took time to console myself and promised myself that I will not expose my own children to such an unjust act. I also took time to forgive them, they were shocked on coming back that they found a jolly child that they had not experienced

Thursday, February 6, 2020

To what extent can a democracy infringe Human right through means of Research Paper

To what extent can a democracy infringe Human right through means of torture in order to preserve National security - Research Paper Example Conversely, so much have been talked about ways in which the states are handling the terror suspects. For example, while some people are supporting the idea of detention of terrorist without trial, others are against the idea. They argue that detention of a person without trial is a violation of human rights. International terrorism has been the greatest challenge to every state trying to deal with it. The biggest challenge is however the balance between terrorism and human rights. This paper explains some issues brought forward against states with regard terrorist detention. It also presents steps taken by the states such as the U.S. to stop terrorist. Many people disagree on the definition of terrorism meaning that there is more than one definition of terrorism. According to White (4), terrorism is an act that has to be analysed, measured, and weighed. In addition, the definition of terrorism is presented by different people based on their political and social realities and so there are many definitions. However, there is one that many scholars are using to explain the picture of terrorism. White (4) point out â€Å"that terrorism is an act or threatened act of violence against innocent people for political purposes.† This one definition used by scholars to bring out the picture of terrorism. Department of homeland security have taken quite a number of measures to counter terrorist, this includes, anti-terrorism and counter-terrorism programs. Anti-terrorism is steps taken by state to reduce the threat posed by terrorist. On the other hand, counter-terrorism is offensive measures taken to disrupt, preempt and respond to terrorism. Other measures include terrorism consequence management; the state prepares for consequences of terrorist incidences (Kraft and Marks, n.p). Counter-terrorism measures taken by the U.S. assisted in